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C 10 | R E V E N G E

"You're insane," Verity spluttered, her face bright red as she finally collapsed onto the gym floor.

While she tried to regain control of her breathing, I took a swig of water, exhaling slowly with relief as the cool liquid slid down my throat. "I don't understand how you can do all that without even breaking a sweat," she whimpered, covering her eyes with her forearm as she lay there otherwise unmoving.

"It was nothing," I admitted, though quickly added when I could see Verity cheeks flush from something other than exertion, "although I have spent almost every day of the last fifteen years doing all that." I waved my hand to the equipment around us, shrugging my shoulders as I took another sip of water.

"So only fifteen more years till I can do what you can," Verity groaned, propping herself up on her elbows as she eyed me. "I'm so unfit. I guess that's what happens when you have an overprotective family and an ability that kills people with your mind," she murmured, finally sitting up. She rested her arms across her knees and her eyes glazed over as though she'd gone to a faraway place.

"How exactly does it work?" I found myself blurting, cautiously taking a seat next to her. I crossed my legs and placed my water bottle between them when she shrugged, those eyes focusing on my own.

"I've spent nearly twenty-five years trying to figure that out. We're all pretty sure that I steal the life force of anyone that my body deems to be a threat. I've had to train my mind more so than my body because of it because I've almost killed everyone in my family. Sometimes the victim doesn't even notice at first. If they're a low level threat, it happens slowly. Usually it gives the other person time to get away but if they're a high level one, it's almost instantaneous. I don't even have to be touching them. I...I struggle to control it most of the time."

"Which is why no one will train with you," I stated and she bobbed her head, her cheeks flushing again.

"They think my instincts will kick in and decide they're a threat, especially when it comes to combat training... I guess they're afraid."

"Rightfully so," I said honestly, but I smiled warmly when she chewed nervously on the inside of her cheek. "But I don't think any person should be unable to defend themselves without their power. I can train you, if you'd like," I offered and she immediately perked up.

"I can't ask you to do that."

"You didn't," I grinned, jumping to my feet before reaching out a hand. "You said you've been training your mind. When's the last time you unintentionally killed someone?"

"Uh..." she trailed off, her nose scrunching as she thought. She took my hand and I pulled her up before grabbing my water bottle again. "Probably ten years. Unintentionally," she emphasised softly. "I've been close though," she whispered, tears forming in her eyes. "I've even hurt my own mate. What makes you think you'd be different?" My brows flew up when she mentioned her mate and I quickly tucked that unknown piece of information away.

"I'm not stupid enough to think I'd be different," I admitted and her frown deepened. "But I do know I'm strong enough to take it. Or at least I'd hope I'm in tune enough with my body to know when it's happening and get away. If I'm not, well...I probably would deserve it," I joked with a wink and she gave me a half-hearted smile in return.

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