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I groaned as I forced my eyes open and lifted my head from the soft surface beneath me. As I sat up and swung my legs over the edge of the bed, I found myself glancing around the room - or rather, the cell, I was in. It wasn't like the ones I had grown used to at the Hunters compound. This one was clean - sterile almost.

It was far more advanced than any other I had seen before.

Rather than the rusted cell bars I would normally expect, this one had what I was sure was bulletproof glass blocking me from the other cells. Apart from the blue pillows that headed the beds in the cells and the green control panels lining the walls of the cells, the entire prison was pure white.

I glanced up at the roof and my eyes instantly darted to the camera there, aware that the eyes on the other side were watching my every move.

How the hell am I going to get out of this mess?

"Katalina," the abrupt sound of the deep, husky voice harshly interrupted my thoughts. My eyes instantly flickered to the person on the side of the glass, my breath hitching in my throat when Xander's gaze caught my own. With a blank expression, he set down the chair he'd carried into the room with him and took a seat when I didn't reply, holding what looked to be an iPad in his hands. I folded my own arms across my chest as I evenly met his stare, though I chose to stand rather than sit.

"What did you do to me?" I stoically asked, pushing any anger I felt down.

"Katalina Murdoch," Xander ignored my question, glancing down at the tablet in his lap as he leaned forward. I stiffened as he said my name, wondering how he could have gotten this information so quickly.

We'd been so careful.

I'd been so careful.

"24 years of age. Adopted at the age of five by the couple who had started fostering you just after your birth - Grace and Quinn. They died soon after the official adoption." he continued, glancing back up at me with indifference when an inhuman growl tore from my chest. I scowled at him, ignoring the pain sparking in my arms as my nails dug into my sensitive skin. "Birth parents are unknown but from the smell of your blood one of them was a powerful werewolf. You also have a known affiliation with the Hunters - though the history there is also unknown."

"What are you?" I ground out between clenched teeth, stepping forward before slamming my fist against the glass. "What did you do to me!"

"You've obviously been blessed by the Moon Goddess with an affinity for the water element," he pressed on without consideration for the rage I was displaying. He slowly stood from his chair and moved toward me, the unexpected gesture prompting me to take an uncertain step back. I felt my rage subside slightly, though not completely, when his lips quirked upward into an endearing smile, the expression obviously intended to disarm me. "And, for reasons we may never know, she has bound us together," he tilted his head to the side, his eyes flashing dangerously despite the smile on his face. "Have I missed anything, Katalina?" I swallowed the lump in my throat as I blinked back the tears burning my eyes.

I damn well was not going to be the one to tell this guy that I wasn't his true mate. I knew that the forced bond Remi had magicked into existence was the only reason I was alive right now.

Judging from the many empty prison cells - Xander didn't keep his prisoner's captive for very long.

I shuddered at the thought.

"I think you covered everything," I cleared my throat, sucking in my bottom lip as I gazed back at him. I took a deep breath in as I watched his lips quirk upwards, and rather than react to his taunting, I chose to think about all the months of training I'd had and instead focused on what I knew about this guy.

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