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"Selene..." my words trailed off as I glanced cautiously at Xander who seemed to be studying me.

"That's me," she drawled and when I looked back to her and into her empty eyes, I swallowed the lump in my throat. "The crazy one," she added tilting her head to the side as she watched me.

How the hell did she hear that?

I was sure the prison would have been soundproofed and I doubt Xander would've told her what I'd said already. Not even the strongest of wolves would have heard me through the walls of that building.

And yet...

As an awkward silence filled the air, Xander abruptly cleared his throat, glancing over my shoulder as something else captured his attention. Instinctively I spun around, my gaze immediately landing on the person confidently striding past the prison guards toward us. They raised their hand in the air as they approached, a calm grin stretching across their face. My eyes raked over their short, almost shaved, lime green hair and down to their matching lime-green playsuit, the bright colours of their outfit contrasting beautifully with their smooth, chocolate skin.

I couldn't help but appreciate the obvious display of confidence and attitude.

"Harlow," Xander acknowledged, evidently relieved that someone had interrupted us. "Can you please show Katalina around?"

"Sure can, Alpha," Harlow spoke up, their deep, soft voice a surprise given the strong aura they exuded. When I looked to Xander with uncertainty, he offered me an encouraging nod.

"Beta Harlow is our best protector and the leader of our warriors. You can trust them," he nodded at Harlow, and their grin only grew wider in response.

"Them?" one of my eyebrows flew up as I waited for them to answer my unspoken question.

"Them, they. Harlow is preferred - although I answer to Queen too," they shrugged with a mischievous smirk.

"Right," I bobbed my head, unable to help the smile that tugged at the edge of my own lips as Harlow's vibrant energy started to rub off on me. "What are you going to do?" I directed my attention to Xander, noting that Selene was still glaring at me, her posture stiff while her fingers had curled into fists by her side. Xander frowned at my question, glancing at the woman standing next to him.

"Family matters," he gruffly confirmed, grabbing Selene by her upper arm as he prepared to leave. My heart lurched in my chest when he started to move, the contents of my stomach swirling uncomfortably.

"Wait I-" I hesitated, sucking in my bottom lip as I stopped myself from saying what I was about to say.

I don't want you to go.

"I will see you soon, Katalina," Xander promised quietly, his light hazel eyes darkening as he held back his wolf.

I bit down on my lip as I remembered that the pull we were both feeling was just the fake bond doing the job. I couldn't let myself get carried away.

I barely heard Selene grumble as Xander forced her to follow him.

I was too busy focused on how his back muscles flexed as he sauntered off.

"Not to interrupt your ogling, but I believe we have a pack house to inspect," I jumped slightly as Harlow's quiet voice violently cut through my thoughts and shuddered as their cool breath fanned over my warming ears. My tongue darted out of my mouth to wet my dry lips and I found myself clearing my throat as I turned to face Harlow with a polite smile.

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