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As I lay flat on my stomach on the ground, the spicy sand shimmered in the wind, as I waited and searched. I use my spyglass to peer through the hole, searching for any indication of the food that I was expecting to receive.
I had gone without food for 48 hours and was wishing that my improvised mouse trap would be successful in catching something.

Arrakis was truly an unforgiving wilderness.

As I look around, I suddenly saw a Maud'Dib. The small creature eagerly approached my trap, attracted by the small piece of cheese I had placed on it. Without hesitation, it vanished into the hole.
I immediately stand up in victory and rush toward it. After reaching my destination, I carefully raise the box above the creature and grasp it firmly in my hands.

I thought it would be thrashing and trying to bite me in order to be released, but it was unexpectedly peaceful. Not like my other meals.
The Muad'Dib stares into my eyes with its beady black ones, and I smile.
Killing this little guy felt like a sin, and even though my stomach said something different, I decided to listen to my head. From that day on, I vowed to always trust my heart over my head when it came to matters of life and death.

I lower it back into the sand, and as I watched it hop away, a sense of relief washed over me. I knew I had made the right decision, even if it went against my initial instincts.
I decided to go drink some water in my tent, and to pass the time along, I read a few stories from old filmbooks that my father had given me. As I sipped on the cool water, I lost myself in the tales of adventure and mystery.

The stories transported me to far-off lands and ancient times. I could feel the excitement and danger of the characters as they faced challenges and overcame obstacles.
The stories filled my mind with wonder and inspiration, making me forget about the mundane worries of everyday life.

After finishing one story, I eagerly turned the pages to start another, eager to continue my journey through the realms of imagination, but I had to get back to work.

I've always known who I was. From the sun setting on Arrakis, to the imaginary doors of my training room swinging wide open. I knew who I was. A fighter, a survivor. But not for long.
When the Harkonnen's invaded my planet many generations ago, my forefathers joined forces with the Atriedes households to triumph over them, and that's the extent of my knowledge on the matter.

The stories passed down through the generations speak of bravery, sacrifice, and unity in the face of a common enemy. The alliance between the two houses was strong, forged in the fires of war and tested in battle. Together, they were able to push back the Harkonnen forces and reclaim their homeland.

The victory was hard-won, but it laid the foundation for peace and prosperity to flourish once again.

But it did not last.

Today, we honor the memory of those who fought for our freedom and remember the lessons learned from that time. The legacy of the alliance between the Atriedes and my forefathers lives on, a reminder of the power of unity in the face of adversity.

Many years later, here I was, surviving on my own in the South of Arrakis, a little ways away from an abandoned Temple Mind. I payed no attention to it, only because my life is fine right here by myself. No rules or regulations to keep me in check. I can do what I want, when I want, however I wanted. And that's enough for me.
I was free to make my own choices and live my life on my own terms. The feeling of independence and autonomy was empowering, and I relished in the ability to live according to my own desires. No one could dictate how I should live or what I should do. I was the master of my own destiny, and that was the ultimate freedom.

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