CHAPTER EIGHT- desert spring tears

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(∩︵∩)sorry for the wait guys. I had work:)

I had always been so excited when moving to a different place on Arrakis. A new place, a new direction, all by myself. But now that I had 134 other Fremen on my side, this journey was becoming a bit of a plunder.
I tried not to pay attention to it but it's something I'm just going to have to get used to.

About seventeen hours we've been walking nonstop, and although my feet were used to such things, my stomach was not. They hadn't eaten In seventeen hours, I haven't eaten in a few days. The emptiness was starting to get to me, making vomit rise and empty my mouth every few hours.

We could have taken one of the sandworms, but none of us wanted to draw unnecessary attention.

"(Y/N), are you all right?" Asked Han, reaching over to pat my back. Result: I wipe the access from my lips and turn to look at him. His eyes are filled with concern as he reaches out to touch my cheek.

I can feel the warmth of his hand against my skin, and it calms me instantly. "Are you okay?" he asks softly, his voice filled with worry. I nod slowly, unable to speak as I gaze into his deep brown eyes. In that moment, I realize how much he truly cares for me. And I know that no matter what happens, he will always be there for me. With a smile, I reach out to hold his hand, grateful for his presence in my life.

"I am fine." I assured him. We continue our journey across the desert of Arrakis, the sun beating down on us relentlessly. The sand dunes stretch out endlessly before us, shimmering in the heat. The air is dry and hot, making it difficult to breathe. But we push on, determined to reach our destination.

As we trudge through the unforgiving landscape, I can't help but wonder what other challenges lie ahead. But I know that as long as we stick together, we can overcome anything that comes our way.
And so, we march on, our spirits high despite the harsh conditions, ready to face whatever the desert throws at us.

Nighttime soon befell on us, and we set up camp on the soft sand. There were no stars over Arrakis's sky, so the only lights were from campfires, casting a soft glow on our faces. The night was quiet, save for the occasional whisper of the wind through the sand dunes. As we sat around the fire, the warmth seeped into our bones, comforting us in the harsh desert night.

We had been traveling for days, following the guidance of our Fremen guides through the treacherous landscape of Arrakis. The journey had been grueling, but we were determined to reach our destination. At least, I was. I'm just ready to eat some food.

And as I gazed up at the dark expanse of sky above us, I felt a sense of wonder at the vastness of the universe. Even without the stars to guide us, we were still filled with a sense of purpose and determination.
A few hours I was sat next to Bron in our tent, seeing Han had fallen asleep on his blanket. He was so adorable.

Closing my book, I sigh.
"What's your plan, (Y/N)?" Asked Bron.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, how are you going to lead these people? What's your plan if the Harkonnen's do attack? Do you even have a plan?" He asks.
I look at him weirdly. Why was he asking me this? I mean, okay, he has a point but It's not like I'm Shai-Hulud and have the answers to everything.

"I don't know." I answered honestly. "We will just have to see what the future brings us because there is nothing I can say or do to set anything in motion."

"Not true. Han told me you are the real
Lisan al Gaib. If this is true, you can speak anything into existence." Says Bron. I kind of laughed.

"Bron, seriously? It's a story. A bedtime story for kids. I am not the Lisan al Gaib. Paul Atreides is. I am not special. I'm a scavenger."

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