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The noisy conversations and banging sounds around me were overwhelming, while my eyelashes fluttered against my closed eyes like waves crashing. The pain inside my neck was almost unbearable, as the surroundings were blurry. I couldn't see a thing and as I remembered what had happened. The Harkonnen stole me.

Feyd-Rautha, that prick... I tried to move, but my limbs were bound and my head was spinning. The room was dark and musty, the air heavy with the stench of decay.
I could hear muffled voices in the distance, plotting and scheming. Panic set in as I realized the gravity of my situation.

I needed to find a way out, to escape from the clutches of that monster before it was too late. But how? My mind raced as I strained against my bonds, searching for any possible weakness in my restraints.

There was none. The room I was in was small, with a tiny latch upon the door which was unlocked. Much to my delight, I open it with the heel of my foot and peek my head around to door, looking for signs of life.
Just those distant conversations could be heard, so I ran the other way.

Sprinting down the metal hallways of this dystopian Spaceship, i desperately tried to go faster but my vision almost made it impossible. There had to be escape pods, and I was determined to find them asap.

With my hands bound, I continued to run in any corridors I could come across. Though, much to my demise, I ran right into a few people I shouldn't have. Four soldiers were laughing, but stopped and their masked faces turn toward me.

"Shit," I breathe, turning back around and begin running down the hallways. My heart pounds in my chest as I hear the sound of footsteps behind me, getting closer and closer. I curse under my breath, knowing I have to find a way out before it's too late.

As I reach a fork in the hallway, I make a split-second decision and turn left, hoping it will lead me to safety. The adrenaline coursing through my veins pushes me forward, my legs burning with exertion. I can feel the panic rising in my chest, but I push it down, focusing on the task at hand.

Finally, I see a door up ahead and I sprint towards it, praying it's not locked. With one last burst of energy, I reach out and twist the handle. To my relief, the door swings open and I stumble through, slamming it shut behind me.

I lean against the door, trying to catch my breath and calm my racing heart. I listen intently for any sign of pursuit, but the hallway is eerily silent. I let out a shaky sigh of relief, grateful to have escaped whatever danger was lurking behind me.

As I gather my wits, I realize I need to come up with a plan. Upon turning around to check out the room I was in, my body came crashing with other, the force sending me flying back against the door.

I grunted in pain that it had caused my bound hands, as my body weight has landed on them. Looking up, I see none other than Feyd-Rautha, a sleek smirk upon his dusty lips. His dark eyes gleam with mischief as he leans closer, his voice low and dangerous.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" he taunts, his words sending a shiver down my spine. I try to muster up some courage, but his presence is overwhelming.

"Please, let me go." I manage to say, my voice barely above a whisper. Feyd-Rautha chuckles, his smirk widening. "Oh, but you're my entertainment," he replies, his tone sending a chill through me. "And letting you go would just make me sad." His smirk slides into a downward frown, one with evil intent and seduction.

I know I am in trouble, but there is no escaping the clutches of this infamous bastard.

With all the hate in my body, I gather as much saliva I could and spit it directly in his face. The look of shock and disgust on his face only fueled my anger further.
I wanted him to feel just a fraction of the pain and humiliation he had caused me. As he wiped the spit from his face, I could see the rage building in his eyes.

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