Heaven knows how you lied to me

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Everything was quite normal that evening. Louis watched television while Harry read a book under the light of his scented candles. It was almost impossible to realize that the most dangerous soul in hell was sent to earth that day. Louis smelled something familiar, but he didn't think about it, thinking it was coming from Harry's candles.

"Do you smell that smell too?" the angel asked, scrunching up his face in discomfort.

"I just smell your candles," muttered Louis, trying to hide his anger at the fact that his favorite team had just scored an own goal. Candles weren't even on the last thing on his list of things he cared about right now.

"I smell hell," the angel muttered. "You smelled like this when we first met."

After Harry said these, Louis gathered his attention and focused on the smell. Yes, this place smelled exactly like home.

"Do you have holy water in your house?" asked Louis hopefully.

"Of course not," the angel replied as if it were the most obvious fact in the world. "Why would I keep something in my house that could potentially melt my lover, Louis?"

The bell rang as the heavy smell of pain, grief, regret and torture grew more and more intense. After a brief glance between Harry and Louis, the angel timidly walked to the door and opened it with trembling hands.

"Where is he?"

"W-who?" the angel asked, looking into the star-like eyes of the woman standing in front of him.

"Lucifer," the woman said, acting as if the name she spoke was sacred. "My Lucifer."

Even hearing that name made the angel tremble. Was Lucifer, the embodiment of pure evil, on earth? Harry felt dirty when the woman pushed him out of the way. He didn't want to be near any demons other than Louis.

When the woman saw Louis, her black eyes sparkled with joy.

"Luficer," the woman said, wrapping her arms around Louis' neck. "Louis, my Morning Star, I miss you so much."

When Louis' scared eyes met Harry's horrified expression, Louis felt his heart shatter into a thousand pieces.

"Mom," was all he could say. "Why are you here, mom?" He couldn't find the strength to respond to the woman's hug. "You were supposed to be in hell."

"I came for you," the woman said, trying to ignore the pain that her son wasn't hugging her.

"You ran away," Louis said clearly. "You escaped from hell." While saying these, he pulled himself together and freed himself from Aurora's arms.

"I didn't run away," Aurora's voice showed that she was about to cry. "Cassius sent me." She turned his gaze to the angel with tears streaming down his cheeks. "Is this why you are here?" The disgust in the woman's voice was quite obvious. In fact, what the Goddess disgusted was the world, but since the angel did not know this, he was shaken once again.

He couldn't accept that Louis had told him such a big lie, that he had deceived him for millions of years. Harry couldn't accept that Louis was the person he had feared the most in his life.

And now he understood everything. He understood why Louis was expelled from heaven, how Louis could do things that other devils couldn't. Louis' endless empathy and respect for Lucifer now made sense. Louis was not a follower of Lucifer. Louis was Lucifer himself.

"Harry," Louis said, looking regretfully into the angel's hurt eyes. He couldn't find anything to say, he couldn't object. He was guilty, he knew it. Even if he didn't want to, he had to lie to Harry and pretend to be someone he wasn't.

"You're Lucifer," Harry said in a tired voice. "Everything was a lie." He was speaking slowly and having difficulty accepting what had happened.

"Harry, I had to. If I told the truth, you would be afraid of me. I couldn't risk that."

"Can you please get out of my house?" said Harry, wiping his tears with the back of his hand. "I never want to see you again. Pack your things and leave my house."

"Harry, don't do this," Louis said urgently. Although he took Harry's face in his hands and tried to wipe away his tears, Harry stepped away.

"Demons cannot touch angels. Stay away from me and leave my house." He was trying to make his voice sound determined, but it wasn't easy when he wanted to sit on the ground and cry. He'd never felt this powerless before. He had never before felt like his heart was in ruins and that he was all alone.

"Harry, I really love you."


"Harry, I love you, why don't you want to believe it?" asked Louis in an offended voice. He wanted to hug Harry, kiss him, prove his love to him somehow, but demons couldn't touch angels.

"You are Lucifer. You are a liar, you are unfaithful. Your love is a lie. Damn your love, damn your lies." Harry had narrowly escaped a bullet that was about to pierce his heart. And he lost the love of his life while dodging that bullet.

"Do you really want me to leave, angel?"

"Go." Harry was not ready for this separation, and he would never be. He couldn't remember how to live without Louis. Even heaven wasn't good enough for Harry without Louis. Maybe he would even choose hell for Louis. But Louis didn't give him a choice. Louis hid the truth from him, condemning him to say these words that would end their relationship. Everything would have been very different now if Louis hadn't kept the truth from him.

Louis looked at Harry one last time, begged him one last time with his eyes, and slowly walked towards the door. He knew this would happen to him one day. He knew it was pathetic to believe that every love story would have a happy ending.

As Aurora walked proudly behind her son, she winked at the angel who was cowering in a corner of the room, resembling a crumpled piece of paper. She had won. She saved his son from the arms of a little angel.

And now it's all over; there was nothing left of their love but two broken hearts, a closet full of Louis' clothes and a few photographs.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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