You're familiar like my mirror years ago

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There was something magical about Louis. For centuries, something mysterious about him had captivated everyone around him. When he was an angel in heaven, he was am angel whom all other angels admired and looked at with loving eyes. And while he was in hell, he earned the unconditional loyalty and respect of the demons. Now he was digging his claws into the heart of a once innocent angel in the world and staring into his soul.

Lucifer didn't hate Harry, actually, whenever he looked at Harry, he saw his own younger self. Just like Harry, he fell into Louis' trap when he was just an angel. He was innocent then, he had no experience. With the confusion of his youth, he listened to Louis and gave up on heaven. Just like everyone else in hell, he believed Louis' dazzling, seductive words and left heaven.

And now similar things were happening to Harry. Angel, Louis didn't even know who he actually was. He didn't know that the person he thought was a devil expelled from heaven because of a small mistake was actually the person who sent all devils to hell.

Lucifer knew that Harry's story would end tragically. Because he clearly remembered the end of his own story, the night he lost his innocence. He remembered Louis pulling him in front of a mirror, holding him there until he lost his angel wings completely. He remembered every second of that night, everything he felt.

He had been repeating to himself all night that he had killed a part of himself for Louis, that he had sacrificed a part of his soul for Louis. "Be proud of yourself," Louis said, wiping Lucifer's tears. "We are all together now, far away from the lies that blinding lights and deafening hymns made us believe; We belong to hell, we belong to each other."

At first everything was very good. Lucifer quite liked hell. Of course, his name wasn't Lucifer back then. Everyone in hell and heaven knew him as Cassius. Over time, Cassius rose to prominence among the demons and had the chance to become Louis' right-hand man. And when Louis was leaving hell, he entrusted the name Lucifer and his throne to Cassius, showing that he was the lord of hell.

Lucifer (Cassius) didn't know how long he could last in hell without Louis, how much longer he could maintain the balance. That's exactly why Louis had to come back here and take everything under control before there was a rebellion in hell.

And Cassius knew very well who could bring Louis to hell and force him to become Lucifer again.

He was planning to sent the most dangerous soul from hell to earth. Then Louis would have no choice but to return hell, to sit once again on the throne of hell.


"Have you brought the requested books, Mr. Styles?"

Two of his costomers invited Harry to a church and asked him for some prophecy books. Actually, Harry didn't like selling books, but when these two customers put their guns to his head, Harry had no choice but to agree to give the books.

"Yes," said Harry, handing the books to the men.

"There are only four books here. Where is the book we really want, Mr. Styles? Where is Glenda the Witch's book of prophecy?"

These words of the man caused the other one to take out his gun and point it at Harry.

"You can't kill me!" Harry protested. He didn't know what would happen if he died, and he didn't want to find out anytime soon. "Witch Glenda's books have been destroyed. I have only been able to reach one of her prophecies."

"Which prophecy?" asked the man holding the gun.

"There is a prophecy made for 2019: Do not eat bats."

"Why would I eat bats?"

"I don't know," said Harry. "That was the only prophecy I could find but I don't know what it means

"He's making fun of us," said the man holding the gun. "He's of no use to us. Let's kill him."

"No," said Harry fearfully. "I brought you books. You can't kill me."

"Kill," said the other man.

"Don't even try." Harry let out a sigh of relief when he heard Louis' voice. He was saved, wasn't he? When Harry turned his eyes to the direction where the sound came from, he couldn't make sense of what he saw. Louis was walking very strangely?

"What are you doing, Louis?" whispered the angel.

"It burns," Louis said, pointing to the base. "We're in a fucking church. It's like walking on hot iron."


Who are you?" the man asked, pointing the gun at Louis.

"I," said Louis, taking a deep breath, "am the one who has planned a special torture for you in hell. And you," he continued, turning to Harry, "why are you working with the Nazis?"

"I don't work with Nazis," said Harry. He was confused. "I'm just talking to these guys- Are these guys Nazis?"

Louis just rolled his eyes. Harry was a very intelligent person, but sometimes he could not see the obvious facts and he never suspected people.

"If you're done talking," said the man holding the gun, "I am gonna kill you."

"Speaking of killing, this church is about to blow up," Louis said in a calm voice that was quite at odds with what he was saying. "Now give your books back to my boyfriend and leave before this place explodes."

His words caused the two men to laugh.

"You have ten seconds."

"Louis, I don't want to die," the angel whispered.

"Trust me," Louis said sincerely, "I'm here to save you."

Everything happened as he said. In just ten seconds, the church was destroyed. But it wasn't like an explosion. It was more like flames engulfing and destroying everything except Louis and Harry.

"Oh God no!"

"What happened?" Louis asked, looking at Harry with concern. "Did you get hurt? Are you okay?"

"My books," said Harry, looking like he was about to cry. "My books burned."

"Oh yes, the books," Louis said, running his fingers over the ashes where the books used to be.

Harry didn't know what Louis had done, but somehow he had caused the ashes to regain their form and become a book.

"How did you do this?"

Louis just winked. He had no intention of spoiling the romantic atmosphere by talking about torturing people in hell like this.

"Lift home?"

Since Cassius has made the decision to send the most powerful soul in hell to earth, I can say that a little chaos is on the way.

If you have any questions about the book I would love to answer <3

I can't wait to see your comments

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