Baby be with me so happily

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Harry had been waiting for Louis for hours. He was out of sight, in the middle of the forest. Even though Harry didn't understand how, Louis could go to heaven and meet Harry whenever he wanted. Harry thought it was absolutely impossible for demons to come to heaven, but Louis always found a way to come.

Although Harry was quite happy with their secret meeting, the possibility of them being caught terrified him. The moment they were caught by the angels, Harry would be thrown out of heaven. If the demons found out... Just thinking about that possibility made Harry tremble with fear. Louis would be destroyed, Harry he would never forgive himself.

Talking to Louis made him feel happy. He wanted them to never run out of things to talk about, he wanted Louis to never leave. He was used to seeing him in Heaven. However, a voice inside whispered to Harry how wrong that was. At such times, he wanted Louis to leave immediately. It wasn't that he didn't love Louis, but he was afraid. He was afraid of getting caught. He was afraid of losing his innocence. He was afraid of Louis. He was afraid of being so close to a demon.

"You won't believe what happened!"

All his worries left him when he heard Louis' voice.

"Did you forget that I was waiting for you here while doing something wrong?" Even though he tried to reproach him, the smile on his face showed that he was not angry.

"Oh don't be ridiculous, love. I would never forget," said Louis, sitting across Harry.

"What were you going to say?" asked Harry curiously.

"Oh well" Louis took a deep breath, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "There was a meeting a few hours ago. Both sides will send people to the world. We will go to lead people to the wrong, you will go to lead them to the good. And well... I am going to the world."

"A-Are you leaving?"

Were they saying goodbye? Was this the last time he saw Louis? He didn't want to cry, but his eyes were filled with tears. He felt his heart tighten. All the feelings he shouldn't feel when he was in heaven were filling his heart, leaving him breathless.

"So?" he stammered. "Aren't you going to come back?"

"I won't come until the end of the world."

"When will the apocalypse occur?" asked Harry in a weak voice that betrayed he was about to cry.

"I have no idea. It could be tomorrow or it could be millions of years from now."

"Oh..." This was all he could say as he tried to wipe the tears streaming down his cheeks without letting Louis know.

"We can go together if you want too," Louis said hesitantly. "Just let the archangel know that you want to go to Earth."

Even though he couldn't say it out loud, Louis didn't want to say goodbye to Harry either. He was risking his life for him and coming to heaven. He was aware that he couldn't live without him. Harry reminded him the innocence he lost. Harry was making him feel what true love was.

"If we go to Earth," Louis continued. He really wanted to convince Harry. Besides, he was a devil, this was his job. "We won't be afraid if anyone sees us. We will be completely free until the end of time."

"Stop, stop, Louis." said Harry. "Don't. Don't try to tempt me."

"That's not my intention, Harry."

"You talk about going to Earth, about being free. Louis, everything that's wrong while you're here will be wrong on Earth, whether you want it or not." He stood up in a hurry. He didn't know what to do.

"So it is wrong for me to talk to you? Nonsense!"

"Wrong of course!"

"Don't exaggerate it, Harry." Okay, he was an angel, but there was no need to be so innocent.

"Why don't you try to understand me?" asked Harry through tears.

"I'm trying but it's not working."

"If anyone sees us, they'll kick me out of Heaven, Louis. I'll become a devil. Do you think I can handle that?"

"You're pretty selfish for an angel," Louis said. But he agreed with Harry completely. Hell was not for Harry. It was scary to even imagine someone as fragile as Harry there.

"Selfish? Do you think I only think about myself? I think about you, Louis. Your first mistake, you were thrown out of heaven." There was sadness on Louis' face. "The second mistake will bring you death."

"Do you think I'll be different without you? I'd rather die than live without you."

"You shouldn't say things like that," said Harry. He didn't want anything bad to happen to Louis. He would stay away from Louis if he had to. What mattered was that he was okay.

"Let's ignore a few rules together," said Louis. "Let's go to the world without fear of what will happen to us. Let's be free."

"The things you call freedom are crimes."

"Look at us, Harry. We've been talking for years and we haven't been caught. We're the first. This is us. Don't end us, don't tear us apart."

"Louis... You're leading me astray."

"Don't you want to break some boring rules with me?"

"What if we get caught?"

"You'll have to get used to being evil and wearing black."

"Not funny."

"I know, angel," said Louis. He would love to hug Harry right now, but he didn't think Harry would allow it. "I can't say we won't get caught. I can't make you promises I can't keep. But I feel very good when I'm with you. And I don't want to lose that."

"So what will happen if I come to Earth?"


“Will you promise not to lead me completely astray and make me make big mistakes?”

"I promise," Louis said. Making a promise was no big deal to a devil. In fact, Louis was also a professional at lying. But when it came to Harry, he didn't want to lie.

"I'm still nervous."

"I promise I won't get you drunk and have sex with you."

Harry's eyes widened in shock and he turned pale. Such an option had not even occurred to him.

"Shut up, shut up," he said, covering his ears in panic. "Such a thing can't happen anyway."

"We'll see."

"Good God! Stop talking! I was about to agree to come into the world, but you scared me," said the angel.

"I have to go now, but if you think about going to the world, you will make me very happy, my angel. If you do not agree, I will come to say goodbye before I go," said Louis. Harry waved at him with a warm smile, but Louis didn't go. If this was going to be the last time he saw Harry then they needed to say goodbye to each other properly. "Can I hug you?" he asked, worried about startling Harry.

The angel looked at the devil's face, his eyes wide with fear.

"I-I don't know." Harry didn't even know if such a thing was possible. Still, he found himself wanting to hug Louis. He wanted this more than anything. "Yes," he said after a long silence.

He shivered slightly as he wrapped his arms around Louis' neck. He enjoyed breathing in Louis' reassuring scent. Maybe he was touching to pure evil, but he had no regrets. Louis was much more than a devil to him.

Louis knew damn well how things worked in heaven. He was once an angel too. That's why, afraid of hurting Harry, he only gently caressed Harry's back and tried to engrave the scent of the angel's hair in his mind.

"I really like this," Harry whispered.

"Goodbye, my angel," Louis said, feeling the bitterness of separation.

When he took one last look at the angel and disappeared among the trees, he left Harry alone with dozens of questions echoing in his mind.

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