Everything is wrong but it's alright

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When Harry opened his eyes he wanted to cry. What was he doing here? He looked around in panic. This place... It was terrible. It was cold and dirty. Harry didn't know what to do and couldn't stop his eyes from filling with tears. He wanted to reunite with heaven, full of hymns and bright lights. He didn't know what to do here. They didn't even train him before sending him here!

"Hey Harry!"

Hearing Louis' voice made him feel relieved. Harry gasped as he looked to where the sound came from. Louis was in human form. It was the first time he saw Louis without his wings, horns and tail, and this version of Louis was as fascinating as the satan version. Harry hadn't even noticed Louis' tattoos until today.

While looking at Louis' eyes, which he had applied eyeliner to and were gleefully examining the earth, he felt at home.

"Louis?" Harry had forgotten everything he knew.

"This place is really nice!" said Louis excitedly. Poor boy was comparing this place to hell.

"Louis... You look beautiful but..."

"What, couldn't you take your eyes off, my angel?" said Louis, smiling. Harry had never seen him this happy before.

"Wouldn't it be better if you dressed appropriately for the times? I mean... People shouldn't realize we're not one of them."

"Following with the times? Never. Let the times keep up with me!"

While Louis was looking around with joy, Harry noticed his black nail polish. It looked really good, but people hadn't even invented the wheel yet!

"I love this place, I'm glad we came."

"Do you like here?" asked Harry in astonishment. He wanted to sit down and cry loudly just because he was here. He already wanted to go back. He didn't know how long he could last in this terrible place.

"Hmhm, very nice. But they put our gate inside a volcano, it was difficult to get out. Ah, but I learned something today. The water here is not sacred, it does not burn me."

"They threw me here." Come on, our side is better, how can we not have a gate? thought Harry.

"They threw you? They probably kicked you out of heaven, beautiful." said Louis cheerfully. Actually he was right. There was no turning back. At least not until all hell broke loose.

"It's not funny! You're kicked out, not me!" said Harry angrily. Being on earth wasn't good for his nerves. He felt ready to get angry at unnecessary things.

"Do you have say that every time?" asked Louis. He hated it. He hated that he had lost paradise. He didn't do it on purpose. He had never imagined that he might be expelled from heaven as a result of his actions. He would give everything he had to go back.

"I'm sorry," Harry muttered. "I didn't know it was a sensitive topic for you." In fact, he was very curious about why Louis was sent to hell, but he wasn't sure if he wanted to hear the answer he would get. Louis was a famous devil. Everyone in heaven would talk about him. The angels were told that they shouldn't be like him. So what did Louis do to became a demon? There was no one who could answer this question. Some were talking about a relationship between Lucifer and Louis, but Harry didn't believe it. If Lucifer and Louis were together, Louis wouldn't be like this, right? He wouldn't treat Harry like that. Actually he could act. He was a demon. It was his job to deceive. But cheating on Lucifer? It would be foolish to cheat on Lucifer with a simple angel.

"It's my weak spot I guess," muttered Louis.  "So stop talking about it. I know I've been expelled and cursed. I wake up in the pit of hell every morning anyway. I lost my beauty. They took everything from me. I was deprived of even the hymns I wrote myself, and I was condemned to the screams of pain in hell."

"Did you write the hymns?" asked Harry admiringly.

"You don't know anything about me, do you?"

They really always talked about Harry and heaven. Louis was a secret to Harry. Louis was a big, scary secret to everyone.

"There are myths about it."

"Really?" asked Louis. He was surprised. He thought he was completely forgotten. "What kind of myths?"

"Very different things. It is said that you are a very special angel when you are in heaven." A bitter smile appeared on Louis' face. "You even knew about the most sacred plans."

Harry continued to explain with the courage he received from Louis' nodding approval:

"You were gorgeous. You are still very beautiful, but you were shining back then. You were one of the most loved and valuable angels. All the other angels admired you. Oh, and you were an archangel."

He didn't know what the expression on Louis' face was. He just wanted to hug Louis and tell him everything would be okay. But that would be a lie. Louis had lost these and would never be as good again as he was in those days.

"Do they say why I fell?"

Harry shook his head.

"A lot is being said, but there is no definite information. Some claim that you told the big plan to the demons. Some say that you questioned things that were beyond your limits. Some say that you were Lucifer's first supporter. Some say that you were Lucifer. There are also those who say that you were Lucifer's lover, I don't believe it. They claim that he did everything that was bad. Everyone is making up something different."

"Are you gossiping? It doesn't suit you at all," said Louis. He was laughing because if he didn't laugh, he would cry. There was no punishment as severe as regret. Regret was your own body's way of punishing you. Regret was a monster that took your breath away, stole your sleep, and took away your appetite.

"I think it's wrong too, but it's not a crime to be curious."

Harry saying this made Louis grin.

"So what's the truth?"

"Let's take a look around. We can't stay here all day long. We have to encourage someone to do evil."

"No never."

"We will both do our best, beautiful angel, it will be up to the people to decide."

"I don't think you should cause any bad things. That wouldn't be nice."

"Don't you forget who I am, my angel. I am now as famous in hell as I was once in heaven. It will be very difficult for you to deal with me."

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