Datk Urges and Running Adam Pocket

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(Four years later)

Lobo slowly opened his eyes, squinting against the morning sunlight that streamed through the curtains. As he shifted in bed, he felt an unusual warmth and pressure around him. Bewilderment crossed his face as he raised the covers and discovered himself surrounded by four feminine bodies-Octavia, Stella, Kuroka, and his Queen Kaguya Ōtsutsuki-each peacefully nestled against him naked.

His girlfriends, still lost in the realms of sleep, clung to him for warmth. Lobo's gaze softened for a moment as he appreciated the serene sight of the women he cared about. However, his thoughts quickly shifted to the realization that he needed to get up.

With a silent sigh, Lobo carefully turned his head and looked at the digital clock display read 7:30 am. Great, now he has to get up now and get ready for the day as he tries to move the girls clung to him with an iron grip keeping him in place.

Thinking on his feet, Lobo conjured a clone of himself with a swift, practiced motion. The clone materialized beside him and Lobo switched places with his doppelgänger. The clone seamlessly nestled into the bed, sliding into the warm embrace of Octavia, Stella, Kuroka, and Kaguya.

The girls, sensing the shift but still half-asleep, cozied up to the clone, their expressions content as if nothing had changed. The clone wearing a smug expression as Lobo gave it a half-hearted shake of his head, silently communicating his disapproval.

He quietly slipped away, heading towards the bathroom to take a refreshing shower. After the invigorating shower and dressing himself in casual wear, Lobo returned to his room.

To his amusement, the girls were still sound asleep, cuddled up with the clone. He mentally commanded the clone to wait until they woke up and then lead them to the kitchen for breakfast. The clone responded with a nod and went back to cuddling with the girls, which made Lobo roll his eyes.

Leaving his room, Lobo suddenly found himself face to face with Stolas and Blitzo. Stolas, who looked like he had just gotten out of bed with his robe in disarray and was sneaking past Lobo's room, had a shocked expression on his face.

"Oh Lobo it was just you, sorry if we woke you up." Said stolas as he had a sheepish look as he rubbed the back of his head. Blitzo looked at Lobo and quickly hid behind Stolas just in case Lobo would make him a chew toy.

"Sup Lobo, how have you been pal, bestie, partner everything alright with you lately." Said Blitzo as he was scared of the hellhound after meeting him.

Curiosity getting the better of him, "So Stolas is Blitzo joining us for breakfast." Stolas hesitated for a moment. "No Blitzy is actually leaving, he has a busy day today and has to go to work."

Puzzled by Stolas's response, Lobo nodded and proceeded towards the kitchen to begin preparing breakfast.

Blitzo sighed in relief as he was not getting over the threat he gave him. However, Stolas's astute mind recalled Blitzo's previous complaints about his assassination company, IMP, not having enough employees or sufficient workload.

Suddenly struck by a brilliant idea, Stolas then turned to Blitzo "Blitzy you remember how you told me that you were looking for more people to join your company right."

"Yeah, why do you have somebody in mind?" Said Blitzo and was wondering what Stolas had in mind as his company was barely making it. He tried to get more people to join but nobody wanted to do business with him.

"Well how about I ask Lobo if he can work with you and your little company of assassins hmm my little imp." Stolas said as he leaned down and bopped Blitzo on the nose.

Blitzo was deep in thought. He could really use that type of manpower if Lobo agrees to do it but doubt it if he accepts the deal.

"Well if you can get Lobo to agree then I will accept the deal Stolas." Said Blitzo as Stolas used his power to teleport Blitzo back to his home.

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