Bump. ( 🇬🇧🇲🇫 you get it )

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Ig Another one Of another one.

Warning - Bruise(s).

Hope U Enjoy.


- France bring UK into It's Arms By the Time That they Went back and Later Put him down To the Single, Comfortable, Medium Carpet. ( Order of adjectives 2.0 rhrg)

France Hugged UK For a Short time And then Picked them Up ( Again ) And Gave Them An Small Toy.

They Were Curious.

France placed them down along with the toy,
And See them Giggled By the toy.

She Smiled.

They Feel A Sensation.

Until France Stood up again and Realised something.

It's Dinner.

France Slowly Walked to UK So they Won't Get Frightened from the Loud Noise,

And Rubbed it On It's Head.

And Later Left the Room.

The Others Cannot Notice that Another Country Is Living Without any permission And France Being Scared of Asking it.

* Few Minutes *

UK Stood Up.

They Turned And Saw An Large Shelf.

They Felt, Fascinated.

Seeing A Newly Thing from Anything Was beyond New to them.

And So,
They Walked Slowly to the shelf.

They Saw A Pile of Books being stacked In the shelf.

They Grabbed from an taller shelf.

They tried and tried until,

* BANG *

The Shelf Fell Over Them.

France and The others were Just Eating and Before He Was finished,

They Heard A Bang Upstairs.

But Luckily and unluckily, The others did not notice.

Except for Vichy.

" What was that..? "

France Shrugged, Panicking.

They Quickly Finished and Went Upstairs.

And The time they went there,

The muffled Sobbing Went out Louder.

Echoing but kinda The Hallways.

France Immediately Locked the Door To Prevent the Sob Echo and Not let the others know about an Random Child In France's Room.

They Lifted the Shelf And Carefully Put UK in the Bed.

The Stacked every single book and As They are Done,

They Went to Them and Checked if There was any damage In It's Forehead.

And there it was.

There Was A Large Bruise In It's Top Left Forehead.

France Looked if there was any deep Cuts That's under the Tissue of the skin,
But Luckily, It didn't.

France sighed in relief,
Thank goodness that It wasn't severe.

France Grabbed a random Towel on the cabinet while Holding UK in it's Right arm,
So They don't need to go to the bed multiple times.

She Rocked Them as the cries got quieter.

They put some warm water from an nearby restroom/Comfort room/Bathroom ( In the Philippines, We technically Use CR/Comfort room as an term of restroom/bathroom. ) and Placed On UK's Forehead.

The warmth somehow makes them slowly Blinking,
Indicating that they felt somewhat Sleepy.

And In a couple of minutes.

While France was Reading a random book from the shelf,
UK had Fallen asleep.

They were Rocking them As they were reading,
Making to faster for them to sleep.

He Chuckled softly.

And they removed the towel from Forehead and Rubbed along with a kiss on the Forehead.

They put the towel on the bed,

And Put them on the bed.

France Laid On the bed,
Yawning while still reading.

France tucked both of them with a soft blanket that Doesn't covered UK entirely.

She Hugged them.

While they slowly and Quietly read.

Until they slept,
In peace.


537 words


( Also thanks to one of my friend(s)/Wolfie for this. :]] )

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