Pineapple pizza. ( COUNTRYHUMANS )

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WARNING ( In case Someone Doesn't Like This,,- )- PINEAPPLE/HAWAIIAN PIZZA!1!1!1!1

🇮🇹/Italy - He/Then
🇬🇷/ Greece - She/Him
Slovenia ( I can't find They're Flag :( ) - They/Them
🇻🇦/Vatican City/Holy See - He/him.

Hope u enjoy


- It's Been A Normal Day,
It's Not Good but Not bad also.

Greece and the others was just Chilling On the Living Room,
Vatican City and Albania along with Bosnia and Herzegovina Was On They're Rooms,
Doing Some Stuffs.

Greece, Croatia and Italy Was Hungry,
They Just Ate Earlier And They Felt A Little Hungry Still.

Greece Got an Idea.

🇬🇷 - " How About we Make Some Pizza? "

Crotia and Italy Agreed.

They Went to the Kitchen,
Make and Pack The Pizza Dough and Toppings.






After After They Make the pizza dough along with Tomato Sauce and Cheese..

Greece Holds a Pineapple Can and Puts Some Pineapple In the Pizza.

Italy Just Looked at greece, With Rage In It's Eyes

Italy Wanted To Hold A Rolling Pin and Hunt Down Greece So Bad,
But Slovenia Holds Italy In the Left Arm,
Making Sure that Italy Doesn't Go Mad mode and
Destroys The Whole Entire Kitchen Like that One

After Greece Is done,

The Throws The Can On the Trash can and Bakes




After The pizza Is done,

Greece puts the Pizza At the Table,
While Slovenia Tries It's Best Not Letting Italy Go
Dog Mode and Barks loudly Because of the pizza.

And Due of Montenegro Sleeping Near the Couch,
Along with N.Macedonia.

And After They we're done..

Solvenia Releases Italy From it's Arm.

🇮🇹 - " PERCHÉÈÈ- " Italy Screamed
( I'm Sorry but I used A Google Translate for this one :(( )

Making Albania And Vatican City Hearing From they're Rooms.

Along With Montenegro and N.Macodenia Fully Awoken By that Scream.

They We're Concerned.

Until Vatican City notices The pizza,
It has Pineapple.

Vatican Walked To them.

🇻🇦 - " Hm, Seems Like Italy was Angry Due of The Topping Of the Pizza, Italy Don't Really.. Liked It
On the Pizza. The First Time is when Germany once
Gave Italy's Father Pineapple Pizza. Giving it Full
Anger Experience To Italy once It was Handed. "
Vatican Said It Calmly.

Italy Agreed With A Nod while Greece Didn't Understand,
They Still Gave A Agreement.

But they Still Ate it Anyway, But Italy Was Eating
A Slice of cheese pizza Without the Pineapple,
Along with Vatican, Who was Talking To Italy
About The experience.


403 Words.

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