Part 2 igggg

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🇬🇧 - He/Them

🇲🇫 - He/Her

B.E ( deceased. )

K.O.F - She/Them

hope u enjoy


- It Was Now The 1777 Hundreds.
( Man I really Have Bad Math Skill When Come to these-😭 )

K.O.F was Heard From They're Child's ( aka france ) Room.
Some Soft Laughter Was Ringing In K.O.F's Ears.

They Were Just Thinking About The Revolution and What will Happen Next week and The problems From it.

That Makes K.O.F Confused.

They Opened The door,,







And They Saw France Taking Care Of A Small Child,
Probably An 3 years Old child.

They We're Chuckling,
And Playing Around the Room.

K.O.F - " ..France! "

They We're Surprised About the Calling On The Name.

K.O.F - " In the Name Of Napoleon, Who is this and How did They Come here!? "

France - " I- Um.. " They Stuttered For A little bit.

Until The Small Child Grasp They're Arm With It's Tiny Hand And Smiled and Giggle.

And France Sighed.

France - " I.. Found This Child At the Execution Site. " They said,

K.O.F later Sighed Deeply.

K.O.F - " I will Let This Slide, But If that Child Doesn't Get Back By it's Parents In Sunday, You better say Sorry to me. "

K.O.F later Shuts The door.

France Was Breathing Heavily.
The Coming Tears Are In His Eyes.

She Is Scared.

He Later Tucked With It's Arms On It's Head.

Which Caughts The Attention Of The Child.
( Aka Britan )

Britan led Out another Hand,
And Then Stood Up.

It's Kind of new to See them Standing Up,
As They Are Commonly Saw Sitting down.

They Hugged The Left arm Of France.

And Snuggle It.

The Small Happy Giggle Has Brought the Attention Of France later on.

They Were Fascinated but still kind of upset.

They Smiled.

🇲🇫 - " Heh.. Seems Like You Learn about this already, Mon Amour..? "

Britan put A Small Yes while Looking At them,
Wanting Them To Smile For Long.

They Hugged France.

And France Picked Britan up Into It's Stomach and Arms and Give It A Kiss and Hug.

Like A Plushie In Someone's Arms.

They Both Giggled,
Making France's Sadness Gone.

She Kisses Them More and A lot.

As They both Enjoying The Fun.







- It was Nightime.

They Had Took Some time for dinner and France Being the first one to finished,

France later Saw Britan,
Yawning and Slowly Falling Asleep.

The Sleepy Tears Were Just Standing In His Eyes.

As they We're Standing,
Waiting for them To come back.

But France Understand That They Haven't Ate for 1 day.

France Brought Out a Piece of Bread To Britan.

France Fed Them,
Until They We're kind of full.

And Then,
France Later Rock Them A lullaby.

And They Immediately Slept.

Frsnce hugged Britan At the Soft,
Cold Rug At the Floor.

And Later Slept.




** Sunday **






France Was Woken Up,

Realising that Britan Isn't there.

France Looked On everywhere.

Until they Looked Outside..

And Saw Britan At the Stairs,
Going to Fall.

France Ran.

But It was Too late.

Britan bumped it's Head at the Stairs.

France Frantically Looked At It's head and Pulse.

They Are Still Alive.

It Only has A small Bruise and Blood.

But then,
Britan Cried.

They Cried A lot from the Pain.

France Tried to Hush them.


But It led on more and more.

France Was Already Frightened because Of what happened.

" What is that. "

K.O.F Watched At france.

While Britan was Still crying.

" What did I told You..!? "

K.O.F Went It's Temper And Dragged France To A Particular Room.


599 Words


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