I will always Love you, My child. ( COUNTHUMANS )

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I Randomly Think About this Randomly-

🇮🇹/Italy - He/Them.

🇻🇦/Vatican City/Holy See - He/Him

Hope You enjoy!1!1!2!2!2!!22!2!2!


- It's Been A Quiet Evening, Birds Silently Ring and Sings outside Vatican's Window,
As Vatican Was Reading the Bible.

Everything was Peaceful and Lovely,
And Also Quiet In the Room.

Until Someone Was Knocking On His Room.

Vatican Opened The Door..





It Was Italy.

They Were Holding Some Pasta On a Plate.

Vatican Bowed,
Like A Welcoming.

🇻🇦 - " Hello, Italy. "

🇮🇹 - " Ciao, Vatican City. " They Both Said It Calmly.

🇻🇦 - " What do You need, Italy? "

🇮🇹 - " May I come to You're room and Give you This pasta? " He said It,
In A Curiosity Tone.

🇻🇦 - " You May,
The order Is Bringed Up with A Agreement. "
They Nodded.

Italy Came To They're room.

Italy Smiled while Vatican City led with a Emotionless Face, But kind of Smiling.

🇻🇦 - " Welcome, Erm.. Again. " They Said.

Italy Led a Small Chuckle While they We're Smiling.

They Both Sat down,
And Then Italy Gave to Pasta To Vatican City.

While Vatican City was Eating and After Getting
A Third Bite,
Vatican Wondered Something..

🇻🇦 - " Um.. Italy? "

Italy Looked at Vatican City, With A Concerned and
Confused Face.

🇮🇹 - " Yes? "

🇻🇦 - " I'm Wondering, How Am I Adopted..? " ( No
Jokes Applied. )

🇮🇹 - " Well.. "


1999 of February 19th,

Italy Was Roaming Around the Streets,
Just Whistling.

Until They Had Founded Someone,

They We're Reading A Roman Poster, As,
They We're Fascinated.

Italy Had A Roman Boom with Him at Cost.

Feeling Wanted To Give to Them.

Until They Noticed That They Were A Small Child,
With No Parents nor anyone to Be Looking out for.

Italy Went up to Them.

The Noticed Someone at they're back and Looked at Italy back.

?? - " Uhm.. Hello..? "

🇮🇹 - " Ciao, Little One. "

Italy Slowly Gave the Book to Them, So They wouldn't Be scared.

They Are Surprised But The Eyes Are glaring By the Book.

They Hold the Book and Hugged Italy.

?? - " T-Thank You So much, Sir..! "

Italy Hugged them back, Feeling the Warm Sensation From the Child.

🇮🇹 - " Say.. Do You Want to be.. Adopted? " Italy Said.

The Child Nodded.

The Warm smile Was Brought To Italy.
Giving A Chuckle.

Italy Gave them A name, Vatican City.

He Loved Italy Ever Much Since He Was Adopted.
And Still Is.

Italy Always Comfort Him, And Loved Him.

- End Of the Flaskbacks -

Vatican Softly Yawned As Italy Ended The Flaskbacks.

Vatican Softly Went One Hand to his chest and Give Them A Soft Cuddle In the stomach.

Italy Was Kind Of surprised By the Cuddle.

But then Done a Warmth Arm Movement To Vatican City, Like A Small Child With They're Parent.

Vatican City Closed it's Eyes,
Slowly Fallen Asleep.

Italy Chuckled.

🇮🇹 - " I will Always Love you, My child. " Italy Slowly
Replied, Softly.

Italy Carried Vatican In It's Arms.

Amd Kisses In It's Forehead.

They Silently Put Them In they're bed, And Italy Silently Closed the lights and Bringed the Plate.

And after They cleaned it,

They Went up to Vatican's Room Again.

And Puts the Roman Book into His Arms and Italy Silently Laid to Vatican's Bed.

Laying There Comfortably and Hugging It's Child.


544 Words

Wow This Is Alot more words-

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