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And If you say if britan was healed from the injury, yes

Hope u enjoy weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee



- K.O.F Dragged and Let Go of Him.

K.O.F Was Angry,
But Was Not Seen By it's Face.

France However,
Was Very Frightened Because Of Them.

They Were Shacking,
The Tears Began To Drop down It's Face.

And By then,
They Started An Argument.
( I'm Not Writing It cause I'm bad at making them,,😔 )

And As they Ended it all,
France Was Later Dragged again To It's Room.

And As France sat there,
They Later Quietly Sobbed.

It Went Around An Few Minutes.


** Knock Knock! **

An Knock Was Heard From France's Room.

France Was Now Confused,
But Still Sobbing on the Floor.

As they Stood up and Opened The door.

Britan was there,
Waiting Patiently Like Last time.

France Went Into an Surprised.

How Are they.. Cured..?

They Hugged France On the legs,
And The Sense Of warmth Was Sented to France As They Patted It's Head Back.

Britan yawned.

Seems Like they Woke Up early..

France Picked Them Up.

And Rocked Them Slowly and Softly until They Fallen Asleep.

France Smiled.


Something That Can Free Them From This.

They Closed It's Eyes,

From Then,
It Just Looks Like that They Are still A Toddler,
They are.

But It Still Looks Like they Look like an 2 or An 1 year old.

France Later Tucked britan into It's Big Bed To The Center of the bed ( Cause They will probably Fall or Bumped it's head in the floor and wall again,,- )

And Kissing it A Goodnight.

France Later Sat on The floor again.

And Noticed A bunch if plushies on the Corner of the room along with the other toys.

France Stood Up.

And Brought one Of the Plushie.

An Single, Small, Blue, Bunny Plush. ( ORDER OF ADJECTIVES GO BRRRR- )

They Smoothly but Gently Placed The Bunny In They're Arms.

And Which,
They Hugged The Soft Little Thing.

France Stood there.
With A Soft Smile In it's Face.







While France Was Organising A toys,
They Heard A Whimper and A sob of Discomfort and Loneliness.

France Noticed and walked To Them.

Britan was there,
Scared and Alone.

They Were Holding Thr bunny,
But Was Dropped while He Raised They're Two small Palms To France.

Looking like they Need an Companion.

They're Eyes Were Blinking of Sleepiness due of minimum Sleep they have.

France Softly Sat of the bed.

And Hugged The Into They're arms again.

As They Gently Pat and Holding Its Small Back and Hair.

They Slowly Yawned.

France Giggled.

As They Slowly Brought Them to sleep.

And Making France also Falling Asleep.

And they Both Sleep in peace.


463 words


Short Countryhuman And Countryballs Stories!1!1!1!1! Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat