Rest in peace,Lily[Goodbye Lily, Last chapter]

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Everything was quiet after that day, I didn't sense any of Lily's presence, I really thought she disappeared and rested.

But I was startled when Lily suddenly appeared right infront of me after some days “I'm back mister!”I rubbed my eyes , thinking that my eyes were tricking me. “Oh, you haven't gone yet?”

She shook her head. I notice how transparent she is now. Is that how ghosts disappear? “Then, what do you want still?”, “Your such a meanie mister, I just wanted to stay for a little before I permanently go ”

She then pouted, as she took her coloring book and colors on the shelf, as she began to color, it's not that I'm not happy to see her, it's quite the opposite.

After some minutes, she finished coloring it all, with a satisfied smile Lily looked at all the pages of the book, “Mister look I finished it!” She proudly showed it to me.

I notice that she carefully colored it but still, it look messy but what matters is her hard work and the fact she's satisfied “Good job, it looked beautiful” I complimented her as she smiled brightly

“Then, I should get an award”, I just complimented her and now she wants a reward?, I sigh as I asked “What do you want for a reward?”

“Yey! I want to go to the amusement park!”

amusement park.. that’s the place she couldn't go..

“Shouldn't you go with your family?... I would talk to them for you..” I suggested as she shook her head

“I believe it's better that I don't.. since I already said goodbye to them” she said crossarming

she does have a point..

I said “Alright amusement park it is..” as soon as I did, she squealed.

and she hurriedly wanted to go there, I would say tomorrow but I guess not.

When we got there, she requested a lot of rides, bumping cars, roller coasters, moving ships, and a haunted house. I don't know why she's a ghost already.

Though, workers probably see me as a person who doesn't want to sit with others as I keep paying for the seat beside mine as well, for Lily.

The more she has fun, the more transparent she gets, until she gets tired and asks for food so I bought her some and offered it to her.

When she finished eating she asked me “Mister, are you having fun?”

“I should be the one asking you that.. though, I do think the answer is obvious” I replied

She shook her head “No! answer my question! are you?” she asked again

“I am” I replied as she smiled brightly, I just couldn't help but to smile along too, such a troublesome but she's a good kid too.

“For the last ride! I want to ride the ferris wheel, I want to see what it looks like in the top!” she throw her hands up on the air as she floats

“Why not fly as high as the top of the ferris wheel?”, “That's different! I need to relax inside the ferris wheel and see the view from the inside!” she said pouting and crossarming, I sigh as I headed to the line to buy a ticket to ride the ferris wheel.

After a long time waiting, we finally got in, she was looking through the window, watching as we went up higher.

There was silence between us as no one was talking but when we finally got to the top, I noticed how Lily was slowly becoming more and more transparent.

Is she disappearing?... I see, this is what happens once they have no more unfinished business to do.. I thought a stairs would suddenly appear that isn't visible to living beings' eyes.

“Lily..” I called her name in a very quiet tone, almost like a whisper as she looked at me with a sad smile on her face.

“Thank you mister, because of you I was able to let go of my hatred.. and see a better solution for my problems..” she sat properly on the seat looking straight at my eyes.

“You know mister.. meeting you is one of the most fun that ever happened to me! despite you being busy, you always give me attention.. I'm sorry I throw tantrums easily, I'm sorry that I threw stuff at you, I'm sorry I ruin your room from time to time, I'm sorry I break your stuff and I'm sorry for dragging you into my problem..”

I stayed silent listening to all the things she said, as I noticed how her lower half is starting to fade, I felt my chest tightening to see her go but it's for the best.

“Also mister, thank you for the colors and coloring book, thank you for listening to me,thank you for feeding me, thank you for guiding me to the right path, and thank you for bringing me here in the last place I wanna go..” she said as her voice began to break, her eyes began to get teary.

“Be good up there alright?.. don't cause any trouble for others there..” I replied, as I smiled, I don't usually smile, but right now, if I don't smile I feel like I'll end up tearing up.

She wiped her tears as she looked up to me again “I will! I won't cause any trouble, I just hope you find a partner, mister, you're getting old!” she said joking.. well I hope she is joking

“Mister, if I ever get a second life, I really wish I'll be your child.. You're like a father to me” she laughed at what she said.

She looked out the glass, as she said “The stars look beautiful.. I'll be gone soon.. I have one last question mister”

“What is it?”

“What's your name mister?” I ended up thinking a bit when she question my name, all those times we we're together she doesn't know my name.. well, it's kind of my fault too, for not introducing myself to her

“Aster, Aster Sirius..” I introduced myself to her as she smiled

“Then.. Goodbye Mr.Aster.. I hope I can get to meet you again..” she said with the brightest smile she ever showed as she disappeared in the air.

Leaving me alone inside the ferris wheel, even though we ride it together.. I'm the only one who gets to go out..


I looked up at the sky as I smiled

“Rest in peace, lily..”


Rest in peace Lily Where stories live. Discover now