Rest in peace lily [The driver]

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Weeks have passed ever since Lily left. I thought she'll come back after that day but she didn't. I did wait and hope for her to come back.

I might have gotten used to her being around, As I would cook food for two, even though I'm the only one that's gonna eat and even look for her presence.

Like a parent who gets worried when they don't see their child's presence. Maybe if I took things slow and made her forget her own hatred, perhaps things wouldn't be like this.

For 2 years, she said she has been a ghost for 2 years now and was happy to be able to talk to someone who will talk back to her, she must have been lonely.

I decided to go to where Lily used to study. While I was roaming around, a board caught my attention as I saw Lily's face in a picture. She had a medal she won. She really is outstanding.

She looked really happy in the picture, like how a kid should be, while I was staring at it a teacher approached me and spoke to me.

"That kid has a lot of potential to be something great in the future, but an unfortunate accident happened to her.."

"Are you perhaps Lily's teacher?" I asked, as I noticed the sadness in her eyes "I am indeed her teacher.. the last one she had" she turned her attention back to the photo.

"How do you know Lily? Are you perhaps one of her Guardians? or relative?" the teacher asked as she looked back at me.

I can't really say that I'm just someone who's trying to help Lily to rest in peace, so instead I said "Well.. Lily often calls me her friend.."

"Oh a friend, Lily is indeed friendly", "She is, but she often seems like a lonely child.." I replied as the teacher went quiet.

After that, the teacher and I started to talk and walk around the corridor as class hadn't started, but when I rang, she excused herself but before she left completely she told me her name.

"Oh right I almost forgot my name is Rachel, I'll hope we see each other again" then she left.

When she left, I also left the school, as there's nothing much to see there anymore, and I headed to meet the driver. I think it's about time that he and I get to talk.

I went to Lily's grave, as expected I saw the driver there holding another bouquet of lily flowers in his hands, and saying the same thing.

before he left completely I stopped him, but he seems like he knows what I'm after so he ran away from me.

Thankfully he's slow and I was able to catch up to him in no time, "Please, stop running away, I just wanna talk", "You're not gonna put me in jail right?..." he said in a shaky tone, he's scared to go to jail?..

"I wanna talk about Lily", his eyes open wide as he starts to tremble "I- I didn't mean to hit her, please don't turn me in".

Even if he didn't mean to, it doesn't make sense that he didn't rush her to the hospital... this is so unlike me, usually I wouldn't go so far to help a soul like this, once they left. it's done.

I wouldn't bother to seek more answers, perhaps Lily got close to me.

"Let's talk about this somewhere private.." I said, as I led him to my apartment, he introduced himself first, he name is James and when we finally got in my apartment, I went straight to the point.

"Why didn't you rush her to the hospital?.. even if you didn't mean to hit her, you should at least try to save her", "I was afraid that if she died while she's with me, I would go to jail, so I left her there.."

Because of that?.. only because of that reason, he didn't try to help her? "And what if she survived till she made it to the hospital? What if that possibility happens?" he remained silent for a moment before replying.

"I can't risk it, I have a family, and that time my wife is at the hospital, giving birth to our first child, if I go to jail, she'll have the hardest time to raise our child and work too"

"Even so, Lily is also a child! she deserves to live" I shouted, as I felt my blood boiling "I'm aware! that she's a child, but I wanted to be with my family"

Suddenly, one book fell from the James head, but the bookshelf was far from him. After it fell from his head, another one fell from his head then another after it.

I looked at the bookshelf as I saw Lily?!


Rest in peace Lily Where stories live. Discover now