Rest in peace, Lily [Lily's Decision]

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I left mister place, though I did leave a note this time, so he wouldn't worry well if he actually does get worried about me.

After all, I'm nothing but a nuisance ghost who's asking for his help in killing someone, but now I don't know..

I have nowhere to go, so I head back to where my parents house is.. where I used to live.

It's the same as the last time I visited, it's all gloomy.. mommy and daddy aren't talking to each other like before..

Whenever they talk, it's all about business.. and when my name is brought up, they start to blame each other on who's responsible for my death..

Daddy would say “If you didn't work and become a housewife, you would come to pick up lily early.. she wouldn't die..”

and mommy would say “You're blaming me? isn't it your turn to pick her up? What took you so long? what are you gonna say you're busy at work? are you sure you're not busy doing something else?”

I'm tired, seeing and hearing them fight all day, this isn't the happy family I used to know or have.. if only I was alive.. if only I didn't got hit by a car.. if only I didn't play.. maybe this wouldn't happen

I sat by my mommy side, as I hugged her “I'm sorry mommy, it's my fault… Please stop blaming yourself.. I love you mommy” I looked at my mommy wanting her to reply to me but as expected she didn't.. well of course she isn't like a mister who can see and hear me …

I went to my daddy and hugged him too, saying the same thing but not hearing a reply. This has been like this for 2 years now, but I still can't help but not get used to it.

After all of that, I headed back to where my bedroom used to be. it was clean, though, they didn't move any of my things or throw any of my things.

My books, crayons, clothes, dolls and my drawings are all here, I thought my parents would throw them away as it brings them nothing but pain to see my stuff..

I lay down in my bed, as I hugged my pillow. It's been so long but it still feels the same, the driver mentioned that his wife gave birth that time.

I wonder how the baby is now?.. someday that baby will grow up, needing its parents' attention and time, just like when I was alive.

If I kill the baby papa now, the baby mama will have a hard time.. the baby might end up like me.. wanting my parents attention and time.

I don't know what to do.

I closed my eyes, as I drifted to sleep, I don't know for how long I was asleep, when I woke up I saw the head maid, checking my room.

She picked up the toy I dropped earlier when I went through the walls as she said “Did the wind knock it over?..”

So the head maid who cleans my room?, I thought she's gonna leave after fixing it, but she stayed for a moment, looking through my drawings, she stopped at one drawing

It's a drawing I drew about me winning a physical fight at school. I remember I was very proud I won, I can't help but giggle remembering it.

She sighs, as she said “Lily is really aggressive… but hurting others isn't it, sometimes there's other ways to resolve problems. I wished I could have reached her before she… passed away” my nanny then closed my drawing book and put it where it was earlier.

Yea..  The head maid always gives me lessons. I might not be listening all the time but I do like being with the head maid when my parents are not home.

She's always there to take care of me, maybe this time, I should listen and try to resolve my problems in a peaceful way where I won't hurt anyone..

“Thank you..” I said while smiling slightly at the head maid, as I then hugged her, even if she didn't realize it.. I still wanna hug her.

Because of her, I can now return to mister..


Rest in peace Lily Where stories live. Discover now