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"Why do I have to be the only one holding this?"

Hayako had put together a sign for us to advertise our macaroons at the bake sale.

"Because I don't want to." She said flatly

We had already sold half our supply an hour in. To be fair they were delicious, I ate one while Hayako wasn't looking since I was starving. This makes us even in my eyes. Hayako was fidgeting with her hands nonstop. That Yuki girl threw her off her game, I've never seen her like this.

I tried flipping the sign around like I'd seen professionals do in the past but it slipped through my hands and landed on the grass.

Hayako took a breath but before she could rag on me she stopped in her tracks. I turned around to see Yuki the student body president once again.

"My my looks like you guys have already sold half your inventory how splendid. Although I sold out before I even know what happened." She said with a slight laugh

"Hey, listen I hate to be rude, but can you leave us alone."

Hayako and Yuki jerked their heads to face me with a stunned expression.

"Wow, this is the first I've heard you speak. But why should I leave I mean no harm." She said with a self-assured grin.

"Listen it's nothing against you but your presence is making Hayako uncomfortable and it's affecting sales. So would you please go."

I tried to ask it as politely as possible but I could tell Yuki was angered by my transgression. I'm pretty sure telling the Student Body President to get lost isn't gonna bode well for my popularity but it can't be helped.

"Ah well, we wouldn't want that now, would we? You're new here right, I wish you a good rest of the year June Hart." She said before bowing slightly and leaving.

"Yeesh, ominous,"

Now that I think about it, if Yuki sold out that fast her food must have been delicious. I wonder if she'd still let me buy one, I'm so hungry.

"Hey, you didn't have to do that, she can make your life hell you know?"

"Eh my life's not all too great to begin with, besides I can't have you going limp on me can I?"

Hayako looked down at the ground unable to say anything. Now was as good a time as any,

"Hey Hayako, wanna go to the arcade with me after school?"

She whipped her head around and looked at me like I had 2 heads.

"Let me pay you back for the ride this morning, it'll be fun."

"I-I can afford a few measly arcade machines."

"So is that a no?"

"No! I mean, yes, I'll go with you. Don't worry about paying me back considering your debt repaid."


I went back to holding my sign and a small smile crept onto my face. This would be the first time I hang out with someone after school, I'm kinda excited. Hayako and I sold the rest of our supply over the next 35 minutes. A lot of guys came up to our stand just to talk to Hayako but she wasn't having it. I tried apologizing on her behalf but I think that only made it worse.

"Hey, June!" I heard someone call from the stand across from us. It was Asumi, she was selling grilled steam skewers. Was she allowed to do that? I don't care that sounds so good right now. She ran over to us leaving her now-alone partner in a panic.

"Hey June do you want-"

"Yes," I said taking the skewer from her hand and taking a bite.

"Wow the meat is super tender, this is delicious"

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