Inciting incident

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"What are you crazy?! You should not go after that thing it's just gonna squish you, moron!"

In all honesty, Hayako's words were not reaching me in this moment. I can't believe what just happened. It's like opening my eyes for the first time.

I got up, dusted myself off, and jumped through the hole the golem made. I was only on the second floor of the Hayako estate so I rolled to disperse the impact.

I'm sure it wouldn't be difficult to track a golem of roughly 5 meters in height in a town with roofs no greater than 3. The Gollum is as fast as I am. I'm not gonna catch up to it on foot so I need a new angle, quite literally. Using my admittedly rough understanding of the town's geometry I took a street I knew would cut off the Gollum if it continued in a straight line.

Now that I'm imagining it, I'm pretty sure the Gollum is heading towards the school. Geez that makes things complicated, I don't want everyone to see me chasing down this Frankenstein throughout town. I'll never hear the end of it.

I ducked into a convenience store to grab a beanie and sunglasses.

"Hey, I'm sorry there's a massive Gollum probably destroying the town right now. I'm gonna borrow this and I promise to return it once the issue is solved." I said without facing the employee.

I don't think the store clerk registered a word I said because once I ran out and the alarm kicked on I heard them start yelling, so I decided to activate my disguise.

I finally got eyes on the Gollum, I was right, it was heading straight towards our school's football field. The entire thing is made up of games and a console so if I find a way to lead it into water that should at least slow it down. Thankfully our school had a pretty massive outdoor swimming pool, perks of being an elite preparatory school I guess.

I climbed a tall chain-linked fence and made my way over to the field. Now that I was closer I could hear the terrified screams of my classmates. I shut them out.

A bunch of our school football players who had their game interrupted ran past me as they fled fearing for their lives. A pretty understandable response all things considered. The Gollum was as fast as a person so trying to lure it to the pool on foot is probably gonna end with me being killed. Shoot this is gonna be harder than I thought. I need a way to get its attention while in a safe position. I looked over at where the Gollum currently stood in relation to me. It was eating the bleachers and parts of the football post. I guess Gollums made of games eat metal, I'll have to write that down after this.

Before I could think anymore my train of thought was destroyed with a swift smack across the back of my head. I turned around to see Hayako who didn't even appear to be sweating right behind me.

"What the hell are you thinking!? This isn't some game you could actually die!"

"Now's not the time to have this conversation. That thing might kill someone if it keeps going"

I could tell she wanted to fire back with
"Yeah YOU!"
But she refrained from doing so.

"Alright what can we do about it"

"I think it'll go down if we get it in the pool somehow but with how fast it is it'll be hard to lure it there without dying."

"There are fireworks inside the pool house, which the student council uses at the end of football games to celebrate both schools competing."

"Alright sounds good, you should probably get somewhere safe," I said before taking off towards the pool house.

I could still hear faint screams on my way but it sounded like most of the student body had got away in time. Good thing that Gollum was as large as it was. When I arrived the door to the pool house was locked. Shoot. I tried shoving the door open and looking around for alternate entrance points but no dice.

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