Call to action!

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It was the last Friday night of summer break and here I was spending it like I'd spent every other day. Woke up, watched cartoons, ate some delicious sugary cereal, and walked to Akihabara. (Electric town) It always had the best deal on used games. Today I snatched Legend of Link for 35 cents, a pretty good RPG all things considered. Although the openness of the world coupled with the power fantasy of being a hero on an epic quest to defeat the demon lord; only widened the ever-growing feeling of discontentedness in me,

life is boring.

Well, theirs not much that can be done about that. I saved and quit turning off my TV looking over at the corner of my room. Dozens of boxes stacked neatly on top of one another in the corner. I somehow managed to put off unpacking until the last second. I'll do it some other day, maybe now that school is starting I'll be forced to start taking living a little more seriously.

I jumped into bed and tried closing my eyes. Maybe staying up inches away from a crappy tv all summer has had some adverse effects on my sleep cycle.

"Oh well."

The next morning I got up, brushed my teeth, threw on my uniform, and prepared my morning routine. I ate the usual and checked my wallet before leaving the house. I imagined a tiny fly leaving my open wallet and spitting in my face. I'd spent the last 35 cents the day before. I better start fixing some more systems if I wanna eat the next few days.

I hopped on my bike and started on my way. It had rained the night before so I was careful to avoid any puddles in hopes of protecting my only school uniform from dirt and grime.

Through my spotty headphones, the sound of a rapidly approaching car came up behind me. It sounded heavy. I looked to my left for a split second only to have murky mud water splashed all over me from a limousine blowing past.

"Rich people," I grumbled wiping the water from my face, shaking my hair, and patting my clothes down. Ehhh maybe they're just in a rush, not unlike me. That little incident lost me 3 minutes and now I'm gonna be late. Let's just hope the teacher cuts the new guy some slack.

I was right outside of my classroom but class had already started. Should I wait until I hear a pause in the conversation? Or would walking in like that make it more awkward? I don't wanna interrupt anyone either...

I scratched the top of my head puzzled at the situation. Maybe I'm overthinking this, I'll just walk in, I bet no one will pay me any mind anyway. I opened the door quietly and slowly but the door let out a loud screech at its hinges that thwarted my plan at its inception.

A tall mid 20's looking woman teaching the class snapped her fingers, flicked her ponytail, and without wasting a breath,

"Take the first open seat, do not show up to my class late again, and please submit a request to have that door fixed before the day is over or you'll be written up."

"Apologies Ms. Kanaoka," I said bowing my head quickly reading her name tag. The only way I can describe her verbal assault is that it was like being stepped on which I found to be unnerving.

I nodded politely and took the only open seat next to the class bishojo (beautiful girl). She was tapping a pen against her desk incessantly creating a loud reverberating noise. Yet no one, not even the scary teacher said anything.

I tried to orient myself and get into the flow of the first day's lesson but, before I could even get my stuff out the girl to my right tapped my shoulder.

"You're late and filthy, do you know where you are? You must be lower class."

Jeez, that was certainly not how I thought my first interaction with a pretty girl was going to go.
I just nodded at her agreeing.

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