Lucy- New home

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"Welp" taking out loud
'I'm' in thoughts/ narrating
"BACK" yelling
(Again) to the readers

I. Regret. Every. Thing.

'I am so tired, everything hurts 😫, even places I didn't know it was possible are aching. I don't know why I was even excited for this.' I cried even though no one can hear me

So let's recap, after Loki told me about total concentration breathing and the benefits I was super excited... That is until I tried it, it's horrible...

Let's just say there are a lot of bad ways to breathe apparently, and I have mastered all of them, yAy 🙄. If you couldn't note the sarcasm. So after failing an infinite number of times I finally did it correctly that is, it was unbelievable. Although after words I'll admit it left me more winded than a fat man chasing a killer for a candy bar.

'But slowly it got easier once I got the hang of it, but Loki wanted it to become a constant mussel memory or as he called it "to become ingrained into your bones and very being" I say doing my best Loki impression, so not as fun as it sounds. So if I forgot to do it correctly or stopped doing it in the middle of a nap, he would wake me up, his favorite ways were flicking my forehead, or pinching my arms and oh Mavis does my head hurt' massaging my forehead to get rid of the dull ache.

As I was learning the total concentration breathing technique I was also learning how to survive.

Luckily I read quite a bit of books just in case to I wasn't a complete loss, but I still never tried and put it to practice before. I mean come on it was my first time sleeping in a tree not too long ago, which was surprisingly comfy. I never had to worry about anything like that before.

So with the knowledge I had, Loki and Aquarius helped me make some of the tools while the complicated ones they brought from the spirit world.

Being taught how to hunt for the first time and skin an animal with sagittarius and cancer. 'It was so difficult to not cry or throw up during it but I knew I couldn't just call one of them whenever I caught an animal that just wouldn't be far to them.'

Aries taught me a variety of safe and poison fruits and berries (are berries a fruit, I'm to lazy to look it up) even some that could paralyze people when ingested, or quickly kill an animal without pain but still safe for humans so I can cover some of my arrows and hunting blades with them.

While Capricorn taught me the more medicinal herbs and how to create my own healing salve, what plants are best to keep on me in emergencies and how to apply and wrap a wound correctly. making sure I had healthy plants and natural herbs that boost my immunity.

'Later on helping me build up my stamina I trained with Aquarius on that, well more like she chased me up a steam' feeling a shiver go down my spine at the memory.

We started to build my new home considering even they don't know how long until the tree is healed. Let's just say that trying to touch or leave the barrier was a real electrifying experience that I'd rather not have to deal with again.

         * A few weeks later *

"Oh my holy sword were done" hearing Loki and the others laugh from behind me. As part of training I had to open 3 golden zodiac gates, and a few silver ones while continuing to build with the help of total concentration breathing. Which I grudgingly admit has become easier, and slowly becoming mussel memory. I have already started to see small physical improvements.

With the help of the rest of my celestial friends, we became in sync with each other's movements, even doing little mock battles in the middle of building or trying union rays with each other, just to keep me on my toes. Even so we ended up moving quite quickly and ahead of, well, no set schedule but it was coming together quickly, so we ended up making it a little bigger than we thought. Deciding to just carve into some of the tree, without damaging the strength it can hold, it opened up my new home a lot more on the inside.

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