Lucy- almost there

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"Well" speaking out loud
'We're' thoughts
"HERE" shouting
(For) talking to you

"I'm so close and yet the tree is still so far" I whined

Slowly starting to get use to the ocean being my new sky. Now that I can see the ocean and the barrier as it gives off the soft glow almost like a constant sunrise color. Never quite sunny or bright and never quite dark.

'Honestly it's probably what saved us all, if we all made it that is'.

Shaking my head from those thoughts I slap my cheeks 'stop thinking like that we're fairy tail and we never give up'

yawning as I think about how much further I probably have to go

So I do the one thing I never thought I would do, I climbed the nearest tree.

Yes weird I know but Natsu always says that it's better than the ground and oh Mavis I am so tired from walking for so long. I swear if I fall I blame him

*a few moments later of struggling *

I finally found a good sturdy spot to sleep (at least I think it is) curling up into myself as much as possible I finally start to doze off.

🌸🫧a few hours later🫧🌸

Stretching as I yawn awake i slowly begin feeling myself tilt a little.

"Sh*t!" Quickly trying to grab the closest thing near me as I remember I'm in a tree. Clawing at a branch as I pull myself up to sit straight.

"He was right though it was better than the ground" I chuckle even though I'm still try to calm my heart beat from the possibly most humiliating fall that would've ended in a face plant.

After slowly figuring out how to get back down I start heading to the tree again, which wasn't as far as I thought it was once I got a good look from up the tree.

After a good hop, skip, and a jump away I finally made it

After a good hop, skip, and a jump away I finally made it

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So happy to have finally made I just run up to tree

As soon as I did though a bright flash of golden light shined from the tree turning my head a little away from the tree I saw a figure, but before I could get a better look everything went black.

The end

Just kidding 😝

'Oh mustache man my head hurts so bad' groaning as I rub my head to ease the headache a little bit

"Your finally wake"

Turning my head towards the familiar voice I turn and see

Sorry it's such a short chapter it just seemed like an ending and I got no clue right now.


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