Lucy- waking up

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"Hi" talking out loud
'What' thinking to them selves
"HAPPENED" shouting

Please enjoy and read at you own discretion 😅

Oh mavis why is my bed so hard I groan. Stretching as I sit up I yawn rubbing my eyes trying to get the grogginess out. As my senses slowly come back to me I realize I'm on the ground. "Oh right we're on tenrou island for the S-Class trial" slowly trailing off, flinching as the fight with Acnologia flashes through my head.

Stumbling a bit trying to quickly shooting up I begin to check my surroundings. Seeing no one near me I realize I'm not at the camp site no more but in a more denser part of the forest where I can't even see the sun. Luckily it's bright enough to wear I can see just fine though, most likely sun rise or set. Wondering how long I've been out, hoping for the best I choose a random direction and start my search for someone.

"NAAATSUUU...! HAPPYYY...!" I shout hoping he could hear me, worrying if happy was safely with him. 'He's my little baby boy, I don't know what I would do if he was hurt or alone.


I just left the guild after talking with Mira about my last date which went so bad, all he did was talk about his ex and how great they were together. As if I was the judge and he had to convince me, it was so awkward. 'Like seriously dude don't go on dates if you not over you last, cause then your just gonna waste both of our time'. Walking along side the pier humming one of my favorite songs, I started to hear someone calling my name.

Barely having enough time to turn around, a force slams into my chest. Stumbling backwards a few times I save myself from falling and being to look down at what hit my chest.

"Happy?" I muttered, my motherly instincts kick in at seeing him cry into my chest. Instantly trying to calm him down

"" only hearing parts of what he muttered with his face in my chest.

Finally reaching the apart I open the door "Happy..." calling to him after I got him to calm down sitting on the couch. Still hearing him mutter to himself. "Happy.., sweetheart" wiping away his remaining tears "look at me" gently caressing his head as he looks up. "What's got you so upset"

"You won't leave us right" he muttered, my heart breaking a little at where that thought came from. "of course not why would you think that, I would never leave you or Natsu if I can help it" I softly reassured him. Scared if I spoke any higher he might start crying again. Gently rocking him "when your ready can you tell me what happened today" I ask

A few minutes pass of me just humming to him he starts "after you left I heard Mira and the girls talking, they said" voice starting to break "they said you were going to find some guy and start a family, you weren't going to have any time for us and leave. I don't want you to leave us" he looked down and started to shake " I won't eat no more fish I'll be good, I swear" tears falling down his face again "don't leave us for some guy. I don't want to be left alone, please don't leave me mom"

My heart skipped a beat.

'He thought of me as his mom, my sweet baby boy that I see as my son thinks of me as his mom' 😭

" I won't ever leave you, I know I didn't raise you from your egg like Lissana but I see you as my son my brave little boy" Squeezing him a little tighter  as tears fall from my face.

"Promise" he asked with his big kitten eyes. "I promise" kissing his forehead

"Does that mean I can call you mom now" he said excitedly

"Of course you can as long as it's not in front of Natsu" ' I'd rather he didn't assume thinks, even though I wish we were together' I thought

The rest of the night was spent with me and Happy cuddling on the couch watching tv on the crystal (I forgot do they even have a tv) eating fish and popcorn (weird I know).

Flashback Ended

"ERRZAAA..!!" its been 20 minutes since I woke up and started my search. Looking up again I try to see through the dense trees,

"YES!" I shout, jumping in glee from what I saw through the small cracks in the branches it was the Tenrou Tree in the far distance standing big and strong, "maybe the others headed that way" I thought thanking the celestial stars I took a break. Getting one last look I set course that way hoping i don't get steered off the path.

"GRAAAY ..!" I shout 'oh mavis it feels like it's been hours and I still haven't found anyone' bending down resting my hand on my knees *stomach gurgling* 'when was the last time I even ate' i thought. "On second the tree can wait"

after leaving a mark on the tree to remember where I left off at I venturing off to find some food and water. After a few minutes I finally found a berry bush, luckily I know which ones are safe from a book I borrowed from Levy 'I miss Levy'.

After my little supply trip and filling up the water bottle I had with me I continued my journey.

I shout hoping to get a reply, after a few hours of not finding anybody. Tears slow fill my eyes in frustration of hours of not finding anyone and hoping I'm not the only survivor, slowly becoming more and more frantic as I search the forest.

Jumping over logs and pushing through the bushes getting more scratches on my arms from tripping over some roots a while ago. My vision starts to blur and I start to feel dizzy from the heavy crying, realizing I needed to take a break I stop

"Ok Lucy breathe you can do this, just like when Natsu breaks into your apartment and your trying not to hit him" lightly chuckling as more tears fall at the thought of him,

"I just need to " *inhale* "1..2..3" *exhale* "Breathe" slowly calming down I start looking around more clearly wiping away any stray tears. After a few minutes of trying to stop my crying I sit down and just look up. Finally being able to see the sky through the thick forest, when I noticed something. Something very important I'd like to think.




"Why the F*ck are there shark swimming in the sky!?" Shooting up from my seat I exclaimed tugging my hair in confusion already tired from this day

"omm (oh my mavis) ok I swear I'm not crazy... right? Well, no. maybe I mean I am a member of Fairy tail and I know we're not all sane but I'm usually the sanest one in the group..... right? I don't know maybe my eyes are still blurry from the tears still?" Rubbing my eyes and seeing nothing different I point up at the 'sky' and take a deep breath "You. Are not. Real" I shouted as if that was going to change anything.

"Now that that's all settled" looking up ignoring the sharks and other sea creatures I try to find the tenrou tree "I'm getting off track, I just need to get to the tree.." I trail of pointing as I finally find it. "I am so close and having this conversation with myself is really not helping". I said continuing to walk in the general direction.

My first ever chapter one is complete 🥳🎉
Remember if you don't like don't read. As the saying goes "If you ain't got something nice to say don't say it at all"

1342 words

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