Chapter 15

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Gold and Kioko return to the group, the newfound lovers holding each other's hands.

"So, you two...?" says Tetra, grinning.

"That's right," Gold says, "me and Kioko are now officially dating. He and I are moving back to China together. We're going to live in Shanghai and open up a bakery together!" The two men exchange kisses as the group cheers.

"Shanghai?" Neo asks. "Father lives in a bamboo forest near Shanghai."

"I know," Gold says. "I wanted to live close to family." He turns to face Kioko, who is beaming with excitement. "You know, the bakery's going to be a huge challenge, but I think we can handle it together. My family is supportive, and I'm sure yours will be too."

They arrive in Shanghai a few weeks later and immediately begin searching for a suitable location for their bakery. After weeks of searching, they find the perfect spot in the trendy Jing'an district. The space is spacious, with high ceilings and ample natural light. It used to be a small cafe, but with some renovations, it could easily be transformed into a cozy bakery. The couple hires a local architect to draw up the plans, and they begin the process of obtaining the necessary permits and licenses.

The bakery opens its doors to the public amidst much fanfare and excitement. Word has spread quickly about the unique flavors and high-quality ingredients they use. Lines form outside the door every morning, and customers often wait for hours to get their hands on their favorite pastries. Despite the initial success, Gold and Kioko quickly learn that running a business together is not without its challenges. They must now manage staff, finances, and the expectations of their families, all while ensuring that the quality of their products remains consistent.

One of their biggest challenges is finding a balance between their personal lives and the demands of the business. They often find themselves working late into the night, only to wake up early to begin the cycle all over again. This takes a toll on their relationship, as they struggle to find time for each other amidst the chaos. However, they remain determined to make their bakery a success and to maintain a healthy relationship at the same time.

Over time, they learn to delegate tasks and trust each other more. They also find ways to sneak off together during quiet moments, sharing quick kisses and whispering sweet nothings in each other's ears. Despite the obstacles they face, Gold and Kioko remain committed to their love and their dreams, knowing that with hard work and dedication, they can make their bakery not only successful but also a haven for them and their families.

Gold's heart leaps with joy as he sees his father, Platinum, walking with Mara and their children, Mingyu and Xiaoling. The warmth in his chest spreads to his entire body as he watches them interact, their laughter filling the air. It's been several years since they've seen each other, and Gold is grateful for the opportunity to reuinite with his father, and he hope he recognises him in his new body. After all, Gold was still a woman when his father had last seen him.

As Platinum approaches, Gold feels a mix of anticipation and apprehension. He wonders what his father will say, how he will react to his new appearance. Platinum finally reaches them, his eyes widening as he takes in Gold's masculine features. For a brief moment, confusion clouds his face, and Gold's heart skips a beat. But then, Platinum's expression softens, and he smiles warmly. "Gold," he says, his voice filled with love and acceptance. "My son... you look so different."

Gold feels a lump forming in his throat as he takes his father's hand. "I'm sorry if it's a bit of a shock," he says, trying to maintain his composure. "I wanted you to know... I'm still the same person inside. It's just... my body has changed."

Platinum squeezes his hand gently. "Of course I know that," he says with a reassuring smile. "I've always known you were a strong and resilient person. You've always been my brave son." He turns his attention to the others, introducing Gold to Xiaoling and Mingyu. As they mingle, Gold can't help but feel a sense of belonging, a weight lifting off his shoulders. He had been so worried about his father's reaction, but now he realizes that love and acceptance can conquer all. "So," his father asks, "Is your name still Gold, or have I been deadnaming you?"

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