Chapter 5

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The group enters the factory where they find Aimer Naeran waiting for them.
Aimer speaks. "You finally arrive, but you are too late to stop me! I just completed my nuclear tank!"

Mortilda responds to Aimer. "Really? What, you're going to start a nuclear fallout? Nuclear Winter?

Before Mortilda has a chance to attack Aimer's tank, she is stopped by the angel Gabriel.

"We meet again, Mortilda." Gabriel says in an arrogant tone. "I'll give you one chance to let me help you.

Mortilda declines Gabriel's offer. "Why would I accept an offer from an angel? Angels and demons are just two sides of the same coin."

Gabriel is displeased by Mortilda's response. "If you won't comply with me, then die! Michael, you deal with the others."

Gabriel shoots a magic missile at Mortilda, but Mortilda deflects it with her scythe. Mortilda continues to dodge the missiles from Gabriel, while preparing a counter-attack.
Mortilda dodges another attack from Gabriel, and attempts to attack Gabriel with her scythe, but Gabriel is too quick. Gabriel blocks Mortilda's attacks with his chain, causing Mortilda to get stuck in between his chain.
Mortilda then watches in horror as Gabriel chains her in a corner.
Mortilda feels vulnerable, but before she can think of a plan, Gabriel launches a lightning bolt at her, but she breaks free from her chain and dodges the oncoming attack. Gabriel then uses his chain to capture Mortilda, but Mortilda manages to break the chain and free herself. She then dodges Gabriel's magic missile in mid-air, allowing herself to fall to the floor.
Mortilda hears voices in the distance, but she can't make out what the voices are saying. Mortilda scans her surroundings, but she can't see anything. Suddenly, Mortilda sees that Gabriel is still watching her.
Mortilda then looks down and sees a giant electrical wires under her.
Mortilda removes the wires from her scythe, and she unplugs them. The electricity stops flowing, and Mortilda's eyes return to their normal color.
Mortilda then sees that Aimer is running to her.
Mortilda stands her ground.

"Mortilda. Just so you know, you just lost!"

Aimer then hits Mortilda in the back of the head with a spinning, shining disk. Mortilda rolls to the side.

"I wouldn't be so sure, Aimer."

Mortilda gets back onto her feet, grabs her scythe and stabs Aimer. Aimer falls to the ground, dead. Mortilda walks over to Gabriel, intent on killing him.

"You got what you came for. To kill Aimer, right?"

Gabriel takes out a blade from his wrist, and runs toward Mortilda. Gabriel pounces on Mortilda, who then kicks him in the face. Gabriel struggles to get back up, but Mortilda easily shoves Gabriel to the ground. Gabriel gets back on his feet, but Mortilda tackles him to the ground again, and kicks Gabriel away

"Hell is too good for you, Gabriel." Mortilda says as she punches Gabriel repeatedly in the face.

Mortilda keeps punching Gabriel until he is unconscious. Mortilda then conjures a dark sphere that explodes when it hits Gabriel. Mortilda then shoots exploding sphere at Aimer's tank. walks back over to her wife Octavia, both of their clothes now tattered.

"Did you kill Gabriel?" Octavia asks.

"He must have slipped away during the explosion," Mortilda responds, "but I did manage to kill Aimer."

Mortilda and Octavia return to Schloss Aetherluftburg. Mortilda enters the dining hall and drinks a bottle of absinthe.

Octavia enters the room

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