Chapter 6

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Elizabeth, Luna, Lucille and Rauline are walking through the jungle when they are stopped by a voice.

"Thou shall go no further!"

"That voice... who are you?"

"I think you should be able to recognise my voice, Sister."

A silhouette descends from the trees, revealing itself to be human.

A silhouette descends from the trees, revealing itself to be human

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"Is that really you, Eleanor?" Lucille asks. "What are you doing here?"

"I am here for you, Lucille."

"What do you mean?"

"I came here to kill you. You are all that stands between me and the legendary sword Excalibur."

"I don't have Excalibur! You know that! Nobody's seen it since the destruction of Camelot! If the sword still exists, aren't you better off looking for it back in either Wales or Scotland?"

"I heard you are looking for a city of gold. Maybe Excalibur wound up there."

"That seems highly unlikely, but it's possible that a fairy might have carried it to this continent. So, are we going to fight now?"

"No way." Eleanor says. "You don't even have a weapon. What fun is killing someone if all they can do is let it happen? Good luck getting to El Dorado before me."

Eleanor disappears back into the trees.

"Who the hell was that?" Luna asks.

"That was my sister." Lucille explains. "Her name is Eleanor. She has always hated me for some reason. It's probably because she thinks I look like the spitting image of our father, King Arthur."

"I have heard that the deeper parts of this jungle are inhabited by the fae folk." Luna says.

"Fae folk?" Rauline asks. "You mean like fairies?"

"Could be fairies." Luna responds. "Could be elves.

Suddenly, Luna sees a slender figure running deeper into the jungle.

"Did any of you see that?" Luna asks.

"No." Elizabeth says. "What did you see?"

"I saw a silhouette of some form of humanoid."

"A hominid?"

"A human travelling alone through the Amazon Rainforest seems unlikely. Everybody knows that when in a place like this, you're supposed to bring someone with you. In any case, maybe it will lead us somewhere interesting, like the place we are looking for."

Luna and the others decide to follow the silhouette. Which leads them to a city that looks as if it were built from gold bricks.

 Which leads them to a city that looks as if it were built from gold bricks

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"This must be the place." Luna says as the group enters the city.

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