Chapter 29

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As the group settled back into their seats, the tension in the room was palpable. Man 1 spoke up first, his voice tinged with regret. "Maybe we should have listened to Dr. Rega. Our lives are in their hands, after all."

The woman nodded in agreement. "Yes, we can't afford to anger the company. They've kept us alive all this time. We should trust their judgment."

Man 3, however, remained calm. "Let's not jump to conclusions. The company wouldn't want us dead. There must be a reason they've kept us here for so long, a reason we may not yet understand."

Rio listened intently from his hiding spot behind the curtain, his heart pounding in his chest. These people held the key to unlocking the mystery of their existence, and he needed to gain their trust to uncover the truth.

The room fell into a comfortable silence, broken only by the crackling of the fire and the occasional sip of whiskey. Rio, still hidden behind the curtain.

Man 1 leaned back in his chair, swirling his drink thoughtfully. "Do you really think this guy can help us?"

Man 3 nodded slowly, his eyes fixed on the flames. "He's our best shot right now. We can't afford to turn away any potential allies."

The woman, her voice laced with skepticism, chimed in. "But what if he's working for the company? What if this is all a trap?"

Man 3 shook his head. "I don't think so. He seemed genuinely surprised by Dr. Rega's visit. And besides, if he wanted to turn us in, he could have done it already."

Man 1 grunted in agreement. "True enough. Alright, we'll give him a chance. But if he betrays us, he'll regret it."

With their decision made, the group settled in for the night, the glow of the fire casting dancing shadows on the walls. Man 3 volunteered to take the first watch, ensuring that Rio wouldn't try anything foolish.

The chairs scraped against the wooden floor, creating a grating sound that echoed in the dimly lit room. The clinking of glasses and the occasional thud of the bottle being set down punctuated their movements.

With a collective sigh, they pushed back their chairs and rose from the table, the sound of their footsteps mingling with the crackling of the fire. The room grew quieter as they dispersed, the only remaining noise the gentle flicker of the flames and the settling of the old cottage.

Rio, still concealed behind the curtain, listened intently as their footsteps faded away, leaving him alone in the eerie silence of the night.

As Rio peered out from behind the curtain, the sudden light from the fireplace jabbed painfully into his eyes, momentarily blinding him. He blinked rapidly, trying to adjust his vision to the sudden brightness.

When his sight finally cleared, he saw Man 3 sitting calmly in a chair, a glass of whiskey in his hands. The flickering flames cast shadows across his face, making his expression inscrutable. Rio knew this man held the key to his fate tonight.

Man 3 took a slow sip of whiskey, his gaze fixed on Rio. "You must have many questions," he said, his voice low and steady.

Rio nodded, cautiously stepping out from behind the curtain. "I do. I want to understand what's happening here. Why you're all here, in this time, and why you're so afraid of Dr. Rega and this company."

Man 3 studied Rio for a moment, then gestured for him to sit in a chair opposite him. "It's a long story," he began, his tone somber. "We were passengers on a flight, just like any other. But something went wrong, and we found ourselves here, three hundred years into the future."

Rio listened intently as Man 3 recounted their journey, explaining how they had been kept alive by the company, PharmaMedicor, but at a cost. They were forced to undergo transformations, their bodies altered to adapt to the new era.

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