Chapter 7

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With a final click of his AD, Mr. Kagiso abruptly ended the conversation, his cold gaze fixed on Inspector Jaquan as if he were looking at an aberration that didn't belong in this world.

Pushing his chair back with a sharp scrape against the floor, Mr. Kagiso strode out of the coffee shop without a single word.

A chill seemed to settle over Jaquan, seeping into his bones and making him shiver as if the air had suddenly turned to ice. The last words that Mr. Kagiso spoke on his AD echoed in his mind, leaving behind a lingering sense of unease.

The whole encounter with Mr. Kagiso felt like a dream, too surreal to be believed. Jaquan couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off about it all. And then there was the mention of Batho being alive and at Mr. Kagiso's was almost too much to comprehend.

Suppressing the sudden urge to dial Mr. Kagiso's number again to confirm the content of their last conversation, Jaquan could almost envisage the bleak prospect of losing his job and returning to the dark, cold inn if he succumbed to it.

The only plausible explanation was that Mr. Kagiso had been deceived into returning home. The haunting image of Batho's lifeless body remained vivid in Jaquan's mind - the contorted, swollen form that inspired a visceral revulsion.

With a hesitant hand, Jaquan retrieved his AD from his pocket, contemplating another call to his superior. Yet, a moment of hesitation swept over him, and he swiftly abandoned the idea.

Perhaps it would be wise for him to return to the mortuary and have another conversation with Dr. Mossing before taking any drastic actions, such as delivering the news of someone's death while that person seemed to be alive elsewhere.

Confusion clouded his expression as he drove back to the mortuary.

Dr. Mossing's reception of Inspector Jaquan's return was less than warm. Raising her eyebrows with a hint of amusement, she queried, "What brings you back to the mortuary?"

Ignoring the slight tone of disdain in her voice, Jaquan waved off her question. "I need to be certain. How confident are you that the body belongs to Batho?" he inquired, noting that the body had now been stored in the refrigerator units.

Frowning slightly at the question, Dr. Mossing's displeasure was no longer concealed. "Inspector Jaquan, are you questioning my professionalism? I assured you I conducted a DNA sequencing to confirm the body's identity. To my knowledge, it's impossible to fabricate an entire DNA sequencing. I also performed a neural scan for further confirmation."

Jaquan held up his hands in a placating gesture. "I don't doubt your professionalism, Dr. Mossing. It's just that... something doesn't feel right. I need to be absolutely certain before I proceed with anything." A rare moment that Jaquan softened his tone while talking to Dr. Mossing.

Even though Dr. Mossing was irked with his repeated questions, she could sense something was amiss.

Without another word, Dr. Mossing led Jaquan to the laboratory, where she pulled up the DNA sequencing and neural scan reports on the holographic display. Jaquan studied the data intently, searching for any inconsistencies or anomalies.

As Jaquan scrutinised the results, a nagging doubt crept into the recesses of his mind - if this truly was Batho, then who was the person appearing alive at Mr. Kagiso's doorstep?

Dr. Mossing's concerned expression reflected Jaquan's own unease. "What's wrong?" she inquired, sensing his unusual demeanour.

Shaking his head, Jaquan muttered more to himself than in response to Dr. Mossing, expressing his gratitude for her cooperation before departing the mortuary for the second time that day.

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