20. Fifty bucks [smut]

559 26 67

Hello! I know I've said this book is discontinued on several occasions, HOWEVER! I felt like I never put a proper ending to it, and instead left it kinda abandoned, so in a motivation spurt I wrote a little treat for you all. This means that this is the last story that will ever be uploaded to this book! I've been a little out of writing smut recently, so it's not as good but em uuh erm!!

Sometime soon, this book will go under a bit of maintenance. This won't affect any of the actual stories but I'll be doing some formatting and such, mainly on AO3 since a lot of the notes are fuddled there. 

Thank you all for all the reads, the votes, the kudos, the comments and all the appreciation you've given me! It had been a silly ride, but I'm glad there were people willing to witness it. 

I would also like to (proudly) announce that I am over four months clean of nic and alcohol:3



This plays after dsaf one! In honour of all the requests I never wrote/will write, I decided to insert the most common one that's been requested overtime: trans Jack!

"Tell ya' what sports-"

Slurred Dave, only upheld by his arm around Jack's shoulders as he tripped over an invisible rock. Neither could pinpoint what time it had been, but judging from the pitch black sky above them, it was either deep into the night or early in the morning.

"-les'make a bet-! Fifty bucks for the first of us to plow someone-"

Most the cash, if not fake, was shared between them already, but that didn't take away the fun of a bet between two intoxicated men.

"No hookers allowed!"

Continued Dave, greatly amused with his newfound idea. Considering the both were bald, decaying corpses of odd colour, it could turn out a struggle to find someone to hook up with if you weren't paying them in advance.

"You're on, Davey-"

He hicked in response, giggling for no apparent reason. And, in a rather short time, the two found themselves in a typical Vegas club. For a bit they clung together at the bar, scanning possible candidates; because while they weren't particularly appealing themselves, their standards were quite high. Jack was the first to speak up, gripping Dave by the shoulder:

"Say farewell to your money eggplant~"

With a malicious smile on his face, he vanished into the mass of people. Dave, in the time separated from his sportsy, made several attempts to talk to women. However, most cut short of conversation, which wasn't particularly unusual considering the man looked as if he was a cryptic. Time slowly trickled by, and no sign of Jack occurred during it. He wondered where the orange man had went, and even let his mind wander as far to consider the possibility of trying to find him in the toilet stalls. Just as he had begun to make conversation with a hesitant woman, a familiar voice spoke from behind him:

"Time to pay up~!"

He swiftly turned around and, sure enough, was faced with Jack. The woman he had been speaking to was quick to relocate when she noticed Dave's attention was averted, and wasn't returning to her anymore. To Jack clung a man with a beard and a large appearance, despite being shorter than him. His chest was bare apart from suspenders, unbelievably hairy and rather sweaty. While Jack's body had lost most of it's ability to grow hair when it got impaled by springlocks: he was much the same: shirt messily undone, sweaty and with an open fly. It didn't take long for Dave to put two and two together:

"Sportsy- That's a man-"

"So? You never said anything about gender."

Dave was defeated. He scrambled in his pocket, and to his surprise, actually found a crumpled fifty which he handed to Jack. He, in turn, looked at the man and asked:

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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