7. Davesport x reader [smut]

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Lovely quote above by CEO, great motivation to finish my maths homework before writing this.

Aw no I slipped and wrote this on accident!

Yes, this is what it looks like. Yes, this is a mild self insert. If my ex gets to make a shitty self insert cover up story, I get to do so to.

I'm ganna try to experiment with different writing styles in this one. [Future me: Yeah this typo writing isn't that good but eh]

{Saturday - 01:45}

Note: The reader has a dick in this, I don't really specify the gender and use they/them pronouns.

Reader is average height, about 5'8. Dave's 6'7 and Jack is 6'2 since I believe those are their canon heights. [Guess who's also 5'8? Yeah, me] 

You couldn't help but notice the two oddly coloured men, they'd spent multiple nights in the club you worked at now.

Neither of them had noticed you before, but that changed once the shorter one of the two took place against the bar.

His orange skin, tooth gap and height made for an odd impression. 

"Hello sir, what can I get you today?"

You asked, gaze fixated on his eyes: which seemed white, glowing almost. 

"Oh c'mon pretty, quit the with the sir! Name's Jack"

Working at a bar in Vegas, you'd been used to pet names and compliments, yet the sudden name threw you of. 

"I- Alright then Jack. What can I get you?"

Noticing your change in attitude, he let out a mocking chuckle followed by a soft reply;

"Why so annoyed all of a sudden? You don't strike me as the bossy type..."

"Because my job's to serve drinks at a bar, not to flirt with customers."

He couldn't be bothered by your statement as his eyes flicked up and down your body, tilting his head in the process. 

"Hmh, that's a bummer."

"Now, could I get you something? My shift ends soon so this is your last shot."

"Well that makes for a few options, suppose you could get me something..."

The undertone and in his voice, along with the way he emphasised the last word of his sentence, made you realise he hadn't been referring to drinks anymore.

As you tried to come up with a reply, another man joined Jack against the bar.

"I'm sorry sir, I'm not following where you're going-"

Before he could get a word out, the new man spoke with a thick New-York accent;

"What he's trying to ask is, you up for a lil' gang-banging?"

"Dave. How subtle."

The man, who's name had apparently been Dave, towered above the other. He'd been nearly a foot taller than you where. 

His skin had been in an even worse condition than Jacks, the purple colour of it made for a somewhat corpse-like look. 

"Excuse my friend here. But yes, that's indeed my question... What do you say darling?"

You looked at both of them separately, wondering what the fuck was going on. Not wanting to turn them down immediately, you leaned on the bar in a way your face was closer to them, before speaking with a low voice:

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