14. more davesport x reader but it's got some piss things [smut]

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Hello, and welcome to the most incompetent fucking piece I have ever created. This has been in my drafts for eternity (like minimum 3 months) and was created in about 3 or 4 spurts of motivation. 

Reader they/them pronouns per usual, female genitalia but no specified chest type so that's up to your own imagination. 

Also there's some piss things, as you may have seen in the fucking title.

"Fuuuuuuuck yall- Dis' some good shitz~"

Dave spoke, letting himself fall backwards on the motel bed. His hand poked up in the smoke filled air, waving the joint in it around for someone to take. Jack was the first to take it, inhaling a rich amount to blow it in a circle around your face. Giggly, you waved your hand to break it before it could reach past you. He held his hand away, making you unable to get hold of the thing as you reached for it.

"Awe, can't reach~?"

He held you away with a hand against your chest, blowing another circle of smoke towards you with a grin on his face.

"I'll cut that calippo-cock of yours off if you don't give me that thing, you orange faced fuck-"

A manic cackle from Dave's end chimed through the room, seeming to enjoy the scenery as you now got handed the joint.

"See? That wasn't so hard now, was it?"

Your voice held a teasing undertone as you blew smoke towards the ceiling, joining Dave on the bed.

"Shiiiit sportsy, I think they're a little spicy~"

Dave said, turning his head towards you to take the joint from your hand. Jack scoffed at his words, glancing over to the two of you.

"Hmh, I wonder how long that act will last."

You couldn't help but let out an overly loud laugh, not intimidated by his words as you spoke with a mocking tone:

"I would give you a nasty look, but it seems you've already got one."

"If you keep up with the big talk you'll only make it worse for yourself."

"I will ignore you so hard you will start doubting your existence."

He sat beside you on the bedside, the joint passing over you from Dave to the other man. His eyes stayed focused on yours, a cold expression on his face.

"I'd be careful if I were you, man's got a big dick!"

Dave's voice spoke of some sort of excitement, teasingly poking a hand in your side.

"Why thank you Dave, grew it myself."

"Let him feed his own ego!"

Your voice had a joyous undertone, playfully hitting Dave in the stomach.

"I cannot wait to shut that pretty little mouth of yours."

"Oh really now-?! I'd absolutely adore to see you try~"

"Ya've got some courage, I like it~!"

Dave said as he sat up, half lidded eyes glancing over your body. You couldn't be bothered to sit up, carelessly fiddling with a lose thread on you blouse. Jack's gaze shifted to stare at the purple man, giving him a hateful look.

"Yeah? I despise it, that big talk of yours is getting on my nerves."

Jack nearly spat out the words, his hand getting hold of your blouse's collar. You grinned in reply, not saying anything as you knew that's what the men would want.

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