Chapter 7: Scarlet Tresses

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Part 7

Heart of The Gerudo: Scarlet Tresses

Written by SilkenScribe

Original Story inspired by the Gerudo Link works of HeartGear

Avery let out a slight squeak and a huff as Lila wrapped a very fluffy white towel about his form rather tightly. Tight enough to pin his arms further to his sides and keep his bound wrists in check behind him. He let out a slight grunt as she secured a gold and silver clip over the edge of the towel to keep it in place.

"Now. Don't go running off." Lila said in mild amusement as Avery stood there in the middle of the steamy room, shivering slightly as tiny whisps of cool air mixed with the rising steam sneaking up through the tiles on the floor. He watched as Lila turned and headed through the beaded curtain into the main atrium. To prep the 'next step' as she so elegantly called it.

Avery sighed a little bit and shuffled his bare feet on the floor a little. Surprised at how soft his skin felt, even while still moist. Not only had the luxurious soap scrubbed away any sign of dirt, but it had also to Avery's surprise, rid him of any hair from the neck down. His legs were silky and smooth, his arms the same. It was a foreign sensation and not one he'd even noticed until he was standing outside the wooden tub.

If he'd not thought them serious before, it was becoming more evident by the moment that they were.

While standing there he'd let his eyes roam the walls, a feature he hadn't noticed before were the hand-painted designs on the walls. Intricate designs depicting rolling sand dunes encapsulating and flowing with flowered vines all of which curled around a symbol that Avery recognized from the throne room, a symbol etched in gold that looked like the back of a cobra's head in its design.

While he studied the symbol, he didn't notice Lila come back into the room. However, he did feel the gentle tug upon the leash attached to the collar he still wore. It forced his attention back to her. She was smiling at him, "The symbol of our people. You'll see it quite commonly." She noted, having seen him studying the symbol on the wall.

He committed the symbol to mind as a gentle tug on the leash encouraged him to follow Lila into the main room. At first glance, nothing really looked all that different until his eyes found one of the massage beds had been prepped with fresh sheets, a curious set of straps and a cart sitting beside it with a bowl of a foreign red liquid.

"Up on the table. Neck on top of the pillow with your head hanging slightly over the edge of the bed." Lila instructed. Of course, she had to help Avery as he moved to the table as it was rather hard to get on properly without the use of his hands. He wiggled himself gently into place and eased himself down, letting Lila guide his neck onto the pillow. 

It was a curiously comfortable position, laying with his head at the edge of the table, his hair hanging down in heavy wet strands. He stared up at the ceiling as Lila worked.

After a moment, Lila nodded and moved about, tugging a strap over Avery's chest, waist and ankles. They secured him to the table enough that he wouldn't be rolling off or getting up anytime soon.

Lila clapped her hands together, "Lovely." She lifted a small bowl onto the little cart off to the side which was filled with what looked like clear oil. She dipped her hands into it, letting the excess run off before pushing her fingers through Avery's hair and beginning to massage the sweet-smelling oil into his scalp and hair with a skill that showed she'd done it many times before.

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