Chapter 2: Twilight Infiltration

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Part 2

Heart of The Gerudo: Twilight Infiltration

Written by SilkenScribe

Original Story inspired by the Gerudo Link works of HeartGear

It was relaxing, almost truly peaceful sitting there beneath the palm trees. Watching the comings and goings of the citizens of the Gerudo city. It made more and more sense why he'd not been let in as he watched. Not a single male came or went from the city. They really were an all-women society. Something he was surprised he didn't know. Then again, his knowledge outside his little slice of Hyrule was fairly limited. He would admit his naivety.

As the day rolled on, he found his throat dry. Found himself envious as the two guardswomen at the nearby gate drank from waterskins. He knew they weren't doing it to spite him, but after refusing his entry and simply watching as he dried up atop the burning sand, it kind of felt like they were.

Eventually, though, the sun began to set on the horizon. Sinking slowly as its cotton candy rays playing across the clouds darkened and made way for the star-filled night. Avery cast his gaze upwards. He could only smile. Truly they were such insignificant specs in the universe. All his problems seemed so small when he considered just how vast the world truly was.

But that didn't mean he could simply forget himself. Already he could feel the tendrils of fever creeping out from his wounded arm. Could feel that slight nausea and dizziness beginning to build. The desert had sucked just about every drop of water it could out of him as he baked in the sun the last few days.

He looked down the road leading away from the front gates of the city. Even in the dark, he could not see the glow of the 'bazaar' they'd told him to go to. His decision to rest through the day seemed a smart one now. But it also cemented the fact that he wasn't going to make it far. Not without provisions of some sort. He had nothing to trade, nor could he enter the city through the gates.

So that left one alternative.

All day he'd watched their coming and going. Had traced the layout of their walls, the guard towers and even details down to the few bricks that had wiggled loose in their walls over the years. There was one particular section along their eastern wall where a dozen of these bricks had wiggled out enough that they could potentially be climbable. They were laid out in such a way that it was like the city was begging someone to sneak in.

~Too good to be true?~

Maybe. But his dry throat and injuries demanded he at least try. He had no interest in ending up another skeleton amongst the grains of sand. Or worse.

So as the night came into full swing, he waited. Watching the guards walk their rotations along the tops of the walls until the moment came when this stretch of wall was lost to darkness. With a pained grunt, he pushed himself to his feet and hurried to the wall, thankful that the sand did well to dampen his footsteps, it wasn't so far to get to the ladder of bricks sticking out of the wall.

However, as he stood there at the bottom, looking up at the easily fifteen-foot wall the task felt significantly more monumental. He had to make a fifteen-foot climb, on bricks offering no more than 2 inches of ledge to hold onto, with only one arm.

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