Chapter 6: Soap and Socializing

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Part 6Heart of The Gerudo: Soap and SocializingWritten by SilkenScribeOriginal Story inspired by the Gerudo Link works of HeartGear

'Feel free to wander'

It seemed a bit silly to offer him a semblance of freedom while also keeping him bound. Avery had to wonder if he'd ever be free of the soft but tight cords keeping his wrists cinched behind his back. It likely stemmed from a place of earning trust. That or he was simply to be a prisoner throughout this punishment.

~How long will it go I wonder?~

He mused to himself as he moved about the atrium of the shop, peeking at the pair of soft beds, leaning down to read labels on the many various shelved bottles on the walls. Lotions, potions, extracts and just about everything in between. An entire cupboard full of implements also sat on the back wall. Smooth black stones, brushes of all sorts and many other things lined the shelves.Lila wasn't lying, it really was a spa.

Avery hadn't ever really taken much time in his life to do any sort of relaxing. So this would probably be a rather new experience.

Moving to the entrance of the building he'd poke his head out through the curtains. Both the guards would look down at him. They didn't say anything but they made their point by crossing their spears in front of Avery. He most certainly wasn't leaving the establishment.

He gave a small shrug of his shoulders and moved back inside, suddenly finding himself face-to-face with Lila who was smiling brightly. She had such a curious air about her. Strong like her tribe, but also cheerful and rather bubbly in her demeanour. It was hard for Avery not to at least smile a little around his gag.

Lila stared into his eyes for a long moment, they were nearly nose-to-nose, "Hm. You know. Your complexion might actually work pretty well with our style. Luckily for you, Hazel eyes go with eeeeeverything. Speaking of which..." She pressed a finger to Avery's nose, pushing him out of the way and leaning out the front door.

"Can you fetch Karuko in about an hour? I can't let our guest walk around the village in the nude. Just explain to her the situation and that I'd appreciate the favour and a bit of a rush order." The guard on the left nodded, "I will go speak to her now and let her know."

Lila beamed, "Lovely." And without another word she pulled herself back inside, walking around behind Avery and putting a hand on either of his shoulders. She'd push him towards the rather steamy room she'd disappeared into before. The interior was vibrant and well-lit thanks to a dome of crystal clear glass on the ceiling. In the middle of the room was a large wooden tub filled with steaming water and a generous layer of lilac-colored bubbles.

It was a surprisingly serene room with only a beaded door dividing it and the atrium. The steam filtered out through a carefully cut slit in the roof that rose into a small chimney alongside the domed ceiling. The walls were painted in soft hues of green and blue adding a hint of serenity to the room while shelves of fluffy-looking towels felt all too inviting as they dotted the wall. Besides the decor, there were also a series of wooden benches that lined the exterior of the room, pools of hot stones beneath them glowed like embers, permeating the air with a sort of thick warmth.

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