𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓼𝓲𝔁

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Hospitals had always been an issue for Florentina, ever since she was young, from walking out with casts and stitches, it was almost like a second residence for her.

To her, it was a place of constant uneasiness, knowing that whenever the doctor asked if there was anything going on at home she was to just smile and shake her head no, the consequence of not being convincing enough being another trip there.

Malpractice, another word that made her grimace, being a young child and taken in by her mother she was misdiagnosed with a kidney infection without being given a second look, giving her antibiotics and sent home, only to be brought back in going into shock with the pain actually being caused by a kidney laceration, a result of her father's temper.

CPS was obviously involved, after all, four emergency room visits for various injuries and now a kidney laceration was cause for concern, finally coming out of the hospital for her father to attempt to strike her only for her mother to finally see, all hell breaking loose.

Thus why she always hated hospitals, the smell of overly cleanliness bringing back bad memories and a sense of unease she felt as unable to shake.

Maybe it was the fear of being misdiagnosed, maybe it was the constant reminder of her father's actions. But what Florentina knew was that she definitely hated hospitals and she hated being sat in a hospital room right now.

Tim sat next to her, just watching her as she was examined by a doctor. From his position, he could see that she was uncomfortable. But he couldn't do much to change that.

This was a place full of memories that she was afraid of, he knew that more than anyone else.

Tim just kept quiet, letting her process everything as best she could.

Of course, it was ridiculous, at her age not being able to let go of the past but that's what made her become a lawyer, to make sure that victims of crimes would always get the chance to hold the perpetrators accountable, like how she wished the medical board had held the doctor that misdiagnosed her accountable, but with her case being dismissed with a small payout and the man keeping his licence it only made her aware at you never knew who would treat you in a hospital.

She knew that it was ridiculous to be constantly paranoid like this but being a lawyer didn't make it any easier to try and forget.

The way she felt about hospitals wasn't going to go away with a snap of the fingers, she knew that much. And even though it wasn't rational, she couldn't ignore the constant unease in her soul when she stepped foot inside a hospital.

She'd been in hospitals a little too often in her life, she had no reason to feel safe inside them.

And she had nothing against doctors, after all, it was great they did what they did, and of course, the doctor who treated her in the hospital the second time helped save her, but if only someone had taken another look or given her mother a second opinion like she'd asked for she could've been spared of worse to date stint in the hospital.

But they didn't, and the consequences of that mistake were severe. The doctor's negligence had put her at risk, something that would never leave her mind.

So to be back in this sterile environment with certain memories set off some warning bells inside her, but at Tim's insistence, she had to be here, her mother taking Mikey for the night.

Tim was sitting on one of the chairs in the corner of the room, keeping an eye on her if anything were to happen, coming back after clocking off his shift her staying by her side.

The only reason he'd left her side since they had arrived was to update her mother and to get her some food from the cafeteria.

He still wasn't comfortable being away from her for too long, he had a sudden feeling of responsibility towards her now given everything that had happened. She was all he could think about at this moment, he was even worried about letting go of her hand.

𝐍𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐎𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐬↠The RookieWhere stories live. Discover now