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Florentina and Tim had been friends for a while, and by a while, they meant over a decade a while, that fateful day when Florentina nearly got run over by his car while it was storming out, in which the woman proceeded to lecture the man on every law she could throw at him about reckless driving and him driving her home, a fast friendship forming, he'd only just become a rookie at the time, actually driving home from his second day on the job, but the two had been through pretty much everything together, him getting into a relationship with Isabel, him getting married, him getting divorced, but Florentina's life never really changed.

Thats that's how she liked it, the woman really didn't handle change well in the sense that she had to have a routine, throughout her childhood no one ever picked up that it was a problem, and to her, it wasn't, until it became a little more extreme, always thinking of the worst case and most horrific scenarios if she didn't complete a certain task in a certain way, it then escalated into having to buy multiple objects in three's if she was getting more than one. Three had always been a good number to her, ever since she was little she had always encountered the number three, she was the youngest of three girls, her nephew was born in the third month, that being March and her old house number used to be 33.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, she was told when she finally got to college. It made sense, from the small things of having to go back three times to be sure she'd turned off the oven to nearly being kicked out of a crucial exam for tapping her pen on the table to attempt to relieve herself of the thoughts as the professor believed her to be cheating. To her though, three was just her lucky number and OCD was just something she had to live with, but it was difficult when some days she didn't feel its effects at all and other days she felt like she was going out of her mind.

Tim had picked up on there being something that Florentina would struggle with on certain days, although it was never spoken allowed they both knew that Florentina had OCD, it wasn't as if she was ashamed of it but rather the fact that she knew the stigma surrounding it, choosing not to speak on it unless asked. In fact, it wasn't until after Isabel and Tim's divorce that he'd ever picked up on Florentina's symptoms, although the two were close while Tim was married Florentina always made sure to keep him at arm's length so no one could ever accuse the two of having anything going on, seeing as Tim was happily married and she was content being by herself.

But the two had become close, both having first-hand accounts of how addiction doesn't just affect the person addicted but also their family, coming in two different forms but there was still a mutual understanding there and that's what helped their friendship grow stronger, changing their meals with a group once a month to drinks just between the two of them at the bar every week, but that was Florentina and Tim, always there for each other and that's how everyone remembered them, especially their friends and they wouldn't have it any other way.


"And I can't convict anyone else without evidence, Tim, she had drugs in her car, in the eyes of the law they're hers if she can't prove otherwise." Florentina scoffed as she took a sip from her glass, her lipstick leaving a slight imprint on the glass, a red, glossy smudge.

Tim leaned back in his chair, shaking his head. "You know the drill, Flory. Don't twist my words around." He let out a long sigh, leaning forward on the table, and resting his elbows against the surface.

"Unless you get the detective on the case to try and work with me here then I can't secure a fair conviction which means I can't push for a deal," She sighed, placing the glass down on the table, "Look, I know that she's your ex-wife but you've gotta accept that she's  into this type of life, she probably doesn't wanna get out, and an ex-cop, Isabel would die in prison."

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