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“Xueer!” Yuyan instantly smiled as she caught sight of Xueer. Yuyan excitedly waved at Xueer.

“I have been waiting for you! I can't wait- Oh. You brought her...” Yuyan trailed off as she took in Xueer’s jacket draped around Jiaqi’s shoulders.

At the sight of Xueer’s and Jiaqi’s connected hands, Yuyan’s smile stretched thin.

She is Jiaqi.” Xueer reminded as they both stood in front of Yuyan.

Yuyan crossed her arms as Xueer sent warning signals with her eyes.

From Xueer’s chin jutting, Yuyan managed to gather that Xueer was telling her,“We talked about this.”

From Yuyan’s creased eyebrows and confused face, Xueer derived that Yuyan was saying, “I didn't know that you meant this soon…”

“Uhm…” Jiaqi hesitantly said, after which she was met with Yuyan’s intense glare.

Intimidated, Jiaqi immediately went to hide behind Xueer. Xueer squeezed Jiaqi's hand in reassurance.

Catching Xueer’s warning signs once more, Yuyan closed her eyes before she let out a deep sigh.

One step after the other, Yuyan took to stand in front of Jiaqi who fearfully looked at her.

“Hi. I am Yuyan, Xueer’s friend for over a year.” Yuyan stated as she gave a 90 degree bow to Jiaqi.

Xueer slightly shook Jiaqi's hand that she was still holding, nudging Jiaqi out of her daze.

Jiaqi quickly returned Yuyan's 90 degree bow.

“H-hi. I am Jiaqi. I'm …” Jiaqi paused.

“I’m … Xueer’s neighbour.” Jiaqi decided on saying.

“I hope that we get… along… Jiaqi.” Yuyan said.

“...L-Likewise.” Jiaqi stuttered.

Yuyan stood straight back up and Jiaqi followed suit.

Yuyan analysed Jiaqi from head to toe while Jiaqi stood there uncomfortably.

“I like your jacket, Jiaqi.” Yuyan broke the uncomfortable silence.

“Only that it isn't yours…” Yuyan untied the knot around Jiaqi’s neck and snatched Xueer’s jacket into her hands.

Folding the jacket before passing it to Xueer, Yuyan met Xueer’s raised eyebrow.

Glancing at Jiaqi before turning back to Xueer, Yuyan continued, “The poor girl already has a sweatshirt on, Xueer.” 

Nodding, Xueer accepted Yuyan’s explanation.

Taking Yuyan’s hand in hers, Xueer turned to Jiaqi.

“Jiaqi, Yuyan and I are indeed Friday girlfriends. But, we are fake Friday girlfriends.” Xueer paused as she took in Jiaqi’s puzzled expression and how she kept looking at Yuyan’s and Xueer’s hands.

“By being Yuyan's fake Friday Girlfriend, we are trying to get Yuyan's ex, Xie Keyin, back with Yuyan.” Xueer explained.

“What!” Yuyan exclaimed as her eyes bulged out of their sockets.

Since when do I have an Ex??? And why is Keyin my ex???

Yuyan caught Xueer's look and Yuyan nodded at Jiaqi.

“I mean… yes.” Yuyan cleared her throat.

“I was just shocked … again, that Xueer is so nice and willing to help me get my Ex back…” Yuyan got out through gritted teeth.

Yuyan flashed a tight smile at Jiaqi.

“Oh…” Jiaqi said.

“I… see…?” Jiaqi offered although she was not quite sure what she was seeing.

“Now that that's out of the way, let's go out and play!” Xueer's crescent eyes appeared.

Xueer ushered the fox into the back seat of the car and she was just about to get in, after Jiaqi.

However, Yuyan grabbed Xueer's hand and dragged her to the seat beside the driver seat.

Yuyan proceeded to get into the driver seat and she shot another tight smile at Jiaqi through the rearview mirror.

Xueer shot a look at Jiaqi too.

Jiaqi buckled her seatbelt and wondered,

How did I end up in this situation?

Not Sure, Not MeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon