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"I made a bet with your brother, we spar and if he loses, I would become your personal knight...and he lost" He leaned back in his chair, a smug grin spreading across his face.

"You want me to believe that? You won against Alexander, stop joking and tell me what really happened."

"Woah, that was hurtful. I did..." I glared at him and he rolled his eyes and continued "Alright, I did not win...It was a fair fight. He realised that I am the best there could be at least."

"And he let you in without any background check?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Well...I borrowed someone's identity...no biggy." He said his eyes held a sense of mischief, within their green depths.

"You did what now? Identity theft is not a joke Edmund." I chuckled a bit

"I did not steal anything, I said I borrowed it and I gave a hefty sum for that."

"From whom? Wait...then your name is not Edmund. What it is then?" I asked curiously

"You ask so many questions. You don't have to bother with any of that...just call me Edmund."



"Ok, boomer." I scoffed

"What's that?" he asked furrowing his eyebrows. 

"YoU doNT NeEd tO bOTheR", I said teasing him.

I stood up and walked out of the garden just before glancing at Edmund's annoyed face.


"What are you reading," Edmund asked looking over my shoulders.

We were in the library right now, it's been two days since Edmund became my guard, but he had been no help. I mean did he forget why he is here? 

He has to help me find the killer before he finds me, but alas he is just as unaware as I am. That or he is not spilling the beans. He is way too suspicious if I am being honest, but I have to keep him by my side, at least for the time being.

"How To Find a Killer 101...duh", I replied to him my eyes still hovering over the words in the book. What am I supposed to do except read these sorts of books? The only link I have to these murder mysteries is through Sherlock Holmes, it's not like I was a detective or a prosecutor back home.

Now that I think, I haven't mentioned what my life back home was. It was mundane...very mundane...but at least there was no serial killer after me.

 Besides I had people by my side, my family, my annoying brother, and he was also there. Ah shit, I miss them. 

I want to finish this whole ordeal and go back to my world. They must be worried sick about me. 

"Why are you reading that, Enika," he asked.

"Oh, maybe a certain retard tasked me with this sort of work. And don't call me Enika call me Lady Gracia or Evelyn or whatever, there are ears all over this place."

"Then Lady Evelyn, I suggest you stop reading these and start finding the killer for real," he said emphasising Lady Evelyn.

"You know it will really help the world if you stitch that mouth of yours," I said rolling my eyes. "And I am doing my very best, it's not easy, if it's that important why don't you tell me who the killer is? You must at least know this, or you are just utterly useless."

He ran his hands through his green hair and sat down. He wanted to say something when the door opened and a maid came in.

"My lady, his grace has called upon you at his office." The maid said.

I stood up and went out of the library leaving Edmund behind.

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