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As I stood up from where I was lying, a bright light appeared and out of it a man came forward. What kind of sorcery is this, I was taken aback by it. The man in a moment came towards me, 

"Hello Miss Enika", he greeted me.

'Ah, so this guy knows me, great...maybe he knows where I am and who is this maiden that I am looking like.'

"Skip the formalities, dude, and tell me did you just do magic?" Shit, I wanted to ask something else and now I come out as a child. Magic? As if.

"I feel you want to ask things other than that. Am i wrong, Miss Enika."

"I do. Since you seem to know me, tell me where I am, and why is this room looking so grandiose. Was I kidnapped? Who was that guy? No no better one. Who is this girl", I said pointing to myself. 

"This is you, I guess?" He giggled and ran his hands through his green hair, and then it struck me that this guy was as foreign to me as that previous one.

I raised my hand, "Wait a minute, Who are you?"

"Messenger, I guess?" His face was plastered with a cheeky smile.

"Can you do things other than guessing, stop joking and get to the point."

"As your wish young lady, So where should I begin, I'm...no that's not important...You are inside a murder mystery novel." He said his smile from before gone as he gazed at me with his green eyes which were as deep and captivating as the forest at twilight.

"A what now?" 

"A novel...look I am explaining the situation to you so...please bear with me. You were in a car accident and now you are in a coma in the hospital, but your soul wandered around and was trapped in this novel 'The Scarlet' in the character of Evelyn Gracia, just when she died. So now you are here as the precious sister of Alexander Gracia, the main lead. You see that this is a murder mystery, so when his precious sister died Alexander, along with his group of companions set to find her murderer. That's the synopsis of the story "

I sat down on my bed processing the words of this green-haired guy, so I am in a coma and right now my soul possessed the body of Evelyn who was dead. Wow, everything is so ridiculous.

"And if I may ask what am I supposed to do to get out of here." I jeered at him

"Good thing you asked", he said sarcastically, his smile back on his face, "You have to find the killer of Evelyn. And once you find him you have to kill him and boom you will be back in your world. Easy. Besides you may already know him as the novel was on your bookshelf"

"Easy, my foot, you want me to find a murderer and if that's not enough I have to kill him too. Wow just wow." I said laying on my bed exhausted. 

"And FYI I have not read that novel. So unfortunately I don't know anything about it." I said and then sat back as I realised that I could ask this man, who seems to be the messenger of whoever is controlling this. "Well, you could assist me."

"Oh", he said grinning, "On that matter, I could not be of any help. I am not allowed to disclose the matter. But if you want I can be by your side as you are new to this place. And besides knowing that you are alive, that man will come after you again."

"What? So I am still in danger...wait if I die here then I could go back right? Gosh, why didn't I think of it before."

"You can't, your soul will be lost forever, It's best for you to find the murderer and kill him before he kills you."

"You want me to do Sherlock Holmes shit now. I have to play detective now, wow."

"You seem to say 'wow' a lot? And who is Sherlock Holmes?"

"Because this situation I find myself in is so fucking terrible that it's funny. " Ignoring his other question I continued, "So tell me Mr Messenger, how will you be by my side? Won't people get suspicious seeing a man near their little lady? "

"Oh, I have a plan for that. I will become your knight."

"As if you could. You think Alexander would let a stranger like you to become my knight." 

"Leave that to me. In a week I'll be your knight. Till then lay low." He said and then he disappeared. Woosh. Just like that. 

I lay on the bed and closed my eyes.

Ah...My life back home wasn't great either but at least I wasn't tasked with finding a murderer. Oh god. And before I knew it I fell in deep slumber.


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