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Miss Marina Thompson's recent fall from grace continues to echo through every drawing room in town, days after it was revealed her engagement to Colin Bridgerton was nothing more than a sham. Of course, a lady's disgrace does not merely tarnish her own name. Like the tars of the Thames, it also leaves a horrid smear on anyone nearby.

While there is no parasol in the world strong enough to shelter a ruined woman, the fallen Miss Thompson can only hope she shall find a refuge... somewhere.

I go to the modiste once more with Mama and Eloise. Eloise is getting her hems lowered and I am in need of a new dress myself.

"Hold still, ma chérie," Madame Delacroix tells Eloise.

"This scandal could very well tarnish my debut, Mama," Eloise says. "Perhaps we should delay my coming out altogether a few years."

"Hush, child, all will be well. Just keep smiling," Mama says.

"Can a smile be enough to save the Featheringtons?" Eloise questions. "Penelope and her sisters did nothing wrong, but their reputation's destroyed."

"You should be worrying about your own family's fortunes at present," Mama tells her. "We are in just as perilous position." A few of the lady's looking at fabrics are clearly eavesdropping. "Lovely day, is it not, Lady Richmond?"

"It's Lady Whistledown," I state. "Whatever she says goes."

"I certainly never want to cross the woman," Madame Delacroix states. "Her word as good as gospel."

"Yes. Though, perhaps if she can destroy a reputation... she can restore one too," Eloise reasons.

"Très élégante, Miss Bridgerton. What a debutante you will be!" Madame Delacroix exclaims.

While there is no parasol in the world strong enough to shelter a ruined woman, the fallen Miss Thompson can only hope she shall find a refuge... somewhere.

I sit in the drawing room with Benedict, Anthony, Colin, and Mama. Colin seems to still not be over Miss Thompson.

"Miss Thompson must be in agonies over these lies. Why can I not visit her?" Colin asks.

"Colin..." Mama starts.

Anthony interrupts her, "Listen to me. That the ton devours every bit of Whistledown's on-dit is the only thing keeping this family from shame. Because of her, no one believes you are the father of Miss Thompson's child. But if you were to go near her, they'll presume you responsible for her ruin, and your sisters will pay the price for your notoriety. Is this what you desire?"

"Of course not, but..." Colin starts.

Suddenly the door opens and a smiling Daphne walks into the room.

"Evening, everyone," Daphne greets.

Mama stands from the couch surprised. "Dearest!"

"What are you doing here? Should you not be frolicking in newlywed bliss?" Anthony asks.

"I came as swiftly as our carriage would allow when I heard the news," Daphne explains.

"In the middle of your honeymoon?" I ask.

"Hastings must surely be cursing the Bridgerton name for this," Benedict teases. "Where is he, anyhow?"

"He went to set up Hastings House," Daphne informs him.

"We have all things in order, Sister. We do not require your assistance," Anthony insists.

"That is simply not true, Anthony, and you know it," Mama says. "Daphne may be the answer to all of our problems. Once the ton see that we still have the favor of the duke and duchess, then the whispers may very well cease, and we shall go about our daily lives as if nothing has happened, as if nothing is awry."

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