Reset in L.A

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March 3rd, 2024
Los Angeles County

Peter and Carolina returned to California to help Saul with the property on the 29th Peter went back to work in the meantime until they go back to mlb. Saul and Caro went today to buy a lot of horse food they filled it to the door spend morning cleaning stalls and cleaning the property.

Grandparents arrived from Mexico so that's why they had to do the errands.

Carolina sold her pv home but Tom wants her to move in with him.

Tom and caro headed to the Oscar's Sunday March 10 so still needs a dress

Her brothers told her to release the album already its the perfect time now in Spanish to her YouTube channel

This album very strong

And her brothers released a full album in English

Their dad said that in case they hit rock bottom with drinking to do it private and no driving.


Jimmy garoppolo and Caro left to Italy Friday morning.

Jimmy said he is not going to let her go now she has to be back in LA the 9 because of the Oscar's sunday he then asked about Tom cruise how that friendship began

Then she told him about she's only going to play Korea series then take a break then return last week of April then all the way until may 7 then stop and return until Sept cause she's gonna be with team Mexico

He told her that Tom cruise wants her to move with him seems suspicious

The reason in Italy because a relative gets married on today sunday.

Instead of Jimmy g she calls him by his first name

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