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December 1st 2023
Mexico City, Mexico

The new list going to Norway with her has been revised it's been shortened by a lot after the wedding with her brother her big brother asked to shortened the list the final selection going to Norway this week coming up.

Here's the reveal list

- dad Salas
- mom Salas
- Hector Salas
- Evan Salas
- Peter Salas

- Uncle Barker
- Aunt Barker

Prince Philip ○ Wife

Close Friend's
- Sue Jo
- Shohei ohtani
- Aníbal Gonzales

Her close guest list all will be staying at the same hotel and floor

Each person on that list played a significant role in her career so she's thanking them

Five years everyone had the Salas family in their mouth talking mad crap about what happened to Carolina.

Adoptive Mom is actually her real aunt shes sister to Norma Jean but Lina cause her mom mom when she found out she was hurt that instead of bringing Carolina to her to console they took her away to sweden.

But her Salas bros she's calls them real bros that's why all have a huge resemblance


Shohei ohtani in the radar again first it was because of his dog and now his cat everyone like he don't need ladies at all.

Deep down he loves Carolina truly but doesn't know how to tell her


Shohei ohtani this year began to realize his true emotions towards her after wbc the first time during

Peter and Carolina as a duo release and making headlines in Mexico 🇲🇽 

Carolina & Peter YouTube name still small duo but it's getting

However Mexico selección organization has told Carolina to perform during half time for Dec 16 in October the family agrees that's the secret they kept from everyone

Mexico selection team has no clue she's also a professional Mexican singer only know she plays baseball and Mexico altheic trainer.

After the game surprise her

But she's gonna surprise them during half time

The fellas are back home in Mexico 🇲🇽

They had early practice so she went home to decorate anbial house with his tree 🎄 and the house that she had ordered from Amazon and took to Mexico 🇲🇽 so when he arrives it's stylish she put four presents already for him.

She wrote him a note on the sticky board she went to the store to buy few things.

She has her car that she got whenever she's here in Mexico city that she leaves with him.

Today's gonna be her relaxation day before her busy week when she arrives.

She's gonna pack her suitcase she won't be returning to Mexico city until June 2024
She's leaving to Mexico City

Paris Olympics 2024 July 26- August 11

She's leaving after angels series June 22 the start of summer.

She's has everything arranged for March as well.

She's also been thinking of parting ways of Dodgers Head Athletic Trainer and focus on herself now. She doesn't know if she will even come back as player.

Lately she's been thinking of going to her dad's state in Mexico to de clutter from society, social media and press


Ohtani VS Yamamoto

Yoshi: ドジャースと契約したらキャロライナとデートできる?
If I sign with the Dodgers, can I date Carolina?

Ohtani: いいえ

why don't you even date her

Ohtani: 我慢できないだろう
I can't stand it

Besides, you like baseball more than dating, so why can't I date her? We are the same age and she can speak Japanese fluently.

Shohei: 私は彼女を深く愛しているので、すぐに彼女に伝えるのを待っています
loves her deeply and is waiting for you to tell her soon

Yoshi: 彼らと契約しないのはどうですか、それではどうしますか

How about not signing with them, then what?

Yoshi: もしあなたがそれ以上待っていれば、あなたが待ち続ければ彼女は間違いなく指輪をはめるでしょう
If you wait any longer, she will definitely put the ring on if you keep waiting.

Everyone all gonna meet at her house wedensdsy night because Thursday at 5am flight leaves


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