
89 0 1

February 23rd, 2023

Recap from last time:

Cho family flew in to California for the grammys exception of Cho gue sung who could not attend due to his work of soccer. He was very bummed out sisters loved Carolina.

Stayed at her house in Palo Verdes were very amazed by her home.

Got to be at the superbowl for the first time. Cho gue sung and Carolina have been speaking non stop.

Carolina on the other hand has been assisting at her job but also practicing with the team on certain days.

She studied the new incoming players health history is doing great.

Few dodger players that is hitting on her

Bobby Miller, Trayce Thompson

Carolina has not gone on social media since she posted the first time in Jan

His sisters are gonna come again to the states for the WBC.

Cho gue sung talked with his coach and he's gonna leave the team for a while he cannot take it anymore.

Carolina could have done it too but she can't she's doing her job and practicing

Jeonbuk Hyundai Motors released a statement

Cho gue sung team member for Jeonbuk Hyundai Motors will be taking a temporary leave from the team. Until further notice.

Cho gue sung will temporarily leaving the team. What could be possibly wrong? He also canceled upcoming
Photoshoots and interviews.

Carolina is suffering miserable with her menstrual cycle. She did not practice today tomorrow the team has first ever game.

It's currently 5:38PM she just finished her dinner and cleaned the airbnb. She has her truck here along with her brothers who are also here with her.

Her brother is catching thirstyness girls heart ♥! Her second oldest brother has been dating Cho second eldest sister for about five years seen each other multiple times.

Carolina on the other hand knew he had a girlfriend but since her focus is her jobs.

Cho gue sung P.O.V

When he found out that Caro was his sister he got very happy 😊!

He will be going to USA for all of March and little bit of April.

She uploads for the first time she has 130M Followers she blew up when they found her Instagram. She had off social media as well she had to go mute


130M Likes Comments Friday night vibes PC: SueBaaby

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130M Likes Comments
Friday night vibes
PC: SueBaaby

Bobby.Miller: so that's why ya took forever lol 😂

TrayceThompson: ^^

Therealgavinlux: let's appreciate she even posted after a whole ass month.

Peter.Salas: yall see my sister every single day for work! Ya don't say anything only when she posts.

Thv: Welcome back!!

Whrbtjd: very soon!
Carolina.Salas: how soon?
Whrbtjd: sooner than you think 🤔

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