Carolina attacked at work

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February 26, 2023

Carolina are currently at perris

Cho parents also happy 😊 for this moment

Cho gue sung is very happy

When Cho family was departing Korea he began to trend

Cho gue sung after announcing his temporary leave was seen at incheon Airport. 13 hours later he was seen arriving at Los Angeles International Airport.

Few days ago he was seen commenting on Carolina Instagram post could it be they are finally going to meet each other

In case you did not know Carolina on her personal life outside of the series.

She is Athletic Trainer certified for Los Angeles Dodgers Major League Baseball and off season she works as DP therapist.

Carolina has been named the first female to play in the world baseball classic with team Mexico 🇲🇽 come see your favorite start in Arizona March 11

The guys have a game at 12:05PM gonna surprise her at the game

Both brothers against each other so

When Evan met Cho gue sung second eldest sister five years ago.

Carolina was away for school and work.

When the sisters came for the grammys before Evan and Peter left to AZ. Evan proposed to his girlfriend.

How did they meet?

Cho sister used to study abroad five years ago in Chicago Illinois that's where she met Evan.

Five years ago

Carolina encountered a very heartbreaking moment she first baby died when she was a month old. Caro was brutally attack

Jacey Lynn Choi started the rumor her parents happened to have seen that rumored surfaced.

Her brothers released a statement on behalf of the Salas family.

When is she going to stop the attacking Carolina.

A hash tag started to remove jacey from the show

Caro parents spoke with Cho family what had occurred.

Cho gue sung had tears in his eyes family was also teary eyed now he understood in one of the episodes that she was surrounding with children when she cried when she was carrying the one month old baby

She cried and everyone in that episode all the babies cried until she started singing the babies cuddled up on her.

Cho gue sung loves children as much as Carolina loves babies!

Today marks five years since her baby died.

Rose Dawn Salas died at one month old

The dodgers players found out because of his brother statement.

And so everyone greeted her warmly

Everyone that's a dad warmly greeted her brought her flowers.

Boss of the dodgers came to greet her.

Before her parents left to Arizona Cho gue sung asked to pay his respects to her baby at the cemetery.

Left flowers cho gue sung family was in deep touch

Carolina Anne Salas P.O.V

Feels her heart is shattered its been five years. Jacey crushed her because today also marks six years she was brutally attacked

The game is on 20 minutes in

When a player got hurt she went as fast to assist him but instead he hit her both benches came flying both brothers ready to start throwing punches

The player from the angels got out of the grip to attack her again

You should've died six years ago they canceled the game

Carolina fainted when he said that she landed in the arms of shohei ohtani

He looked very concerned everyone got taken out ambulance

Police arrested the player

MLB Statement hours later

We are very in disbelief what occurred today. Our team has failed to provide the highest quality of background check on our players. He brutally committed a crime six years ago he hid what he did. Carolina Anne Salas was brutally attack on the field not one but two were involved. We sincerely apologize from not getting very close to his criminal record.


Jacey Lynn Choi has been arrested for suspect of attempt killing six years ago. In case you did not know she was the cast member of World Divided ex friend of Carolina. She wanted to disappear her own friend in connection with Caro killer who was a player for a MLB team.

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