Chapter 6 | Numb

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Image Credit: dakotajhamiltonw7

Trigger Warning: Betrayal

The next morning I settled into a cozy nook of the Ravenclaw common room. It was breakfast time, and the last thing I wanted was to cross paths with Garreth. I hadn't even had the chance to ask Poppy if she confronted Leander yet.

Opting for solitude over the bustling Great Hall, I grabbed a crisp apple to nibble on, hoping it would tide me over until lunch. The morning light filtered through the windows, casting a soft glow over the room, and I found solace in the quiet ambience, a welcome reprieve before the day's classes began. Thankfully I didn't share any classes that morning with Garreth.

As Herbology marked the beginning of my day, I found myself unable to contain a grin as I stepped into the lush greenhouses, greeted warmly by Professor Garlick. Her presence was like a ray of sunshine, her genuine kindness drawing students to her like flowers to sunlight. It wasn't just her expertise in plants that made her lessons captivating; it was the warmth of her character that made every class a delightful experience.

"Y/n, there you are. Over here!" Poppy waves me over to her group, planning for us to be paired together for that days lesson.

"Good morning, Pops!"

"I didn't see you at your table this morning for breakfast," Poppy says. "Haven't spoken to Weasley yet, have you?"

I sigh. "No, I haven't. Have you spoken to Leander?"

Poppy shakes her head. "I have a feeling those two are growing suspicious that we know something, though."

"Well I suppose we can't avoid them forever," I shrug. "I feel kind of bad though. Garreth was expecting me to talk to him yesterday but I just scarfed down my dinner last night and rushed back to my common room." I put my face in my hands and let out a groan.

"Don't feel bad, Y/n. They should be the ones feeling bad, not us." Poppy assures me.

Our conversation is paused as Professor Garlick silences the class, her gentle yet commanding voice filling the greenhouse as she begins to instruct us on the day's lesson. Poppy and I were grateful for the distraction; those boys would be dealt with eventually.

Advanced Defence Against the Dark Arts followed, a subject that always managed to pique my interest. Despite the challenges it presented, there was an undeniable thrill in mastering spells and techniques to fend off dark creatures and curses. A trait I had gained strength from from my Ancient Magic wielding training and the experiences gained from standing alongside Sebastian  during his ambitious quests in fifth year.

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