Chapter 1 | Ephemeral

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Photo Credit: sallowsqueen

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Photo Credit: sallowsqueen

I sprinted through the cobblestone corridors of the wizarding school. The rhythmic clatter of my footsteps echoed in the empty halls, amplifying the urgency of my late arrival. Charms class had already begun, and Professor Ronen was not known for his leniency when it came to tardiness.

I rounded the final bend and skidded to a halt in front of the imposing wooden door of the Charms classroom. My chest heaved as I caught my breath, and I hastily smoothed down the wrinkles of my Ravenclaw robes. With a deep breath, I steadied my nerves and pushed the door open, wincing at the slight creak it made.

The classroom fell silent as all eyes turned toward me.

"Ah, Ms. Y/l/n! Nice of you to join us!" Professor Ronen announces as I feel a rush of embarrassment creep up my neck.

"S-sorry I'm late, Professor. I-I slept in," I nervously stammer out.

"Considering it is the first day of classes I will let it slide. However, I will not be so forgiving next time," he gazes at me. "I believe there is an empty seat next to Mr. Sallow over there," he gestures to the bench Sebastian sat at to the back closest to the entrance.

Taking a deep breath, I hurry to the empty seat, acutely aware of the look Sebastian gives me. I mouth "don't" to him and he gives me a slight smirk in return.

It was only the first day of classes and I was already making a memorable entrance.

We spent the remainder of the class going over what was taught the previous years, Professor Ronen going over what is to be expected to pass our N.E.W.T. exams for both the practical and written portions. This year wasn't going to be easy.

I look around at the things displayed around the classroom as I listen to Professor Ronen's lecture, trying not to let anxiety overwhelm me, leg shaking and fingers tapping on the table. I stop my fidgeting when I notice a note had been slid in front of me.

"Are you alright?" it read. I look over to my right to see Sebastian's face looking at me, genuine concern shining in his hazel eyes.

I take my quill and scratch out my reply right below his writing. "Yes, I'm perfect. Thank you for the concern." I slide the note back, and I feel his eyes move back on me after reading it. I'm sure he didn't believe it one bit, considering how much of a mess I looked this morning.

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