Chapter 5 | Hospital Visit

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Image Credit: sinty2ek

"So what's the deal with you and Leander?" I asked Poppy at the Hufflepuff table Monday morning before classes. Natty, Poppy and I had agreed to spend breakfast together last minute, me eagerly bringing up the idea, being more cheerful and full of energy all thanks to a certain dreamless potion. "Are you two officially courting yet?"

"I could ask the same about you and Garreth," Poppy says matter-of-factly, pointing her fork at me.

I roll my eyes playfully at her. "Come on, Pops. You and Leander have basically been inseparable since start of term. This is the first I've been able to sit with you just us girls for weeks. And as for Garreth and I... we're nothing serious," I shrug. Heat rises to my cheeks, a telltale sign of my blush, as I instinctively conceal the purple mark on my neck, tucking my hair and adjusting my collar.

"I hear those boys talk about you two in our common room daily, you know," Natty intervenes, and I drop my toast on my plate.

"Oh?" I say, clearing my throat. "What - uh, sorts of things?" I curiously ask, picking my toast back up and nibbling at it as I draw my attention to Natty.

"Yes, Natty, do tell," Poppy presses, eyebrows raised as she glances over at the Gryffindor table.

"Oh, you know. Just... how... pretty you two look, what their next dating plans should be, how... good you two are at snogging..." Natty lists out and looking down at her breakfast, clearly being careful not to spill too much.

I sputter on my pumpkin juice, Poppy pats on my back helping to ease the coughs that follow.

"I even caught them exchanging high-fives yesterday, and I'm certain it was related to one or both of you," Natty continues.

"Oh really?" I say, gaining my composure back, tone laced with disbelief. "And when was this 'high-five exchange' exactly?" Poppy crosses her arms next to me, glaring at the ginger boys sitting across at the lions table who were both laughing along to something Eric Northcott shared.

"The two of them had just walked into the common room a bit after breakfast when I had seen them," Natty says, picking at some egg with her fork.

A bit after breakfast. That was when Garreth and I had that snogging session in the corridor before I hastily left for the hospital wing.

I furrow my brows, my gaze dropping to my plate. "I had met up with Garreth before that to make-out with him..." I admit with a heavy sigh, leaving out the part about the hickey. "I mean, I really do like him... I think..."

"I know, Y/n... and.... actually that's not all, you guys..." Natty says nervously, biting her lower lip.

"What? What is it?" Poppy presses.

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