part 11

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  Abhi was sitting next to Akshu holding her hands..pleading her to wake up..Akshu slowly opened her eyes,Abhi getting shot flashed infront of her eyes, with sudden shock n startled she sat up screaming Abhiiiiii..Abhi sat infront of her,Am here am here..Abhiiiii she touched his face..his hand, his head..Abhi realised His Akshu identifies him,she got her memory back..
Akshu was panicking,She was crying holding his face,Abhi wiping her tears,trying to calm her down.. but tears rolling down his eyes.Abhiiii,Akshuuuuu n both break into a HUG.. Abhi kissing her temples..Akshu clinching on to him,Every cell in their body felt the Hug..After few mins They break off from the hug,Abhi Asjusted her Hair,wiped her tears,her face..
   kissed her forhead n said I love you Akshu..I missed you.i love you Abhi..kissed his forhead. Wiped his tears..n suddenly she got reminded of the happenings of that fateful day..Accident,Her pregnancy,coma and she loosing their baby.. She sat straight ,away from Abhi and started saying..I dont Deserve you Abhi,I failed you,I failed to keep up the promise,To protect our Babies,God gave me a chance to save one of our twin,But I failed as a Mother..I lost our baby..I shdnt be alive atall and went hysteric..Abhi trying to interrupt n tell the truth,Akshu Akshu listen to me,He was holding her hands n trying to hug but she was pushing him away.not listening to him..cursing herself..

    Kairav and Kavya entered the room..They heard Akshu screams n rushed to the room..Akshu looked at Kairav n cried bhayya.. I failed as a wife A mother..
Abhi signalled to bring the baby to him..
Akshu covered her face with her hands n was wheezing..Akshu Akshu look at me,listen to me..Baby also making noices.
Listen to me carefully..Look at the baby..She said I know him he is Parul kailash baby..Am his Nanny..

   No Akshu this is our Baby..Abhira's Baby..Akshu stopped crying and looked at Abhi in shock..with disbelief She Said Abhiii..what are you saying..Abhi gave the baby to her ,holding both of them close he told her everything that happened,From the accident,her pregnancy ,coma,how Kailash lied to her n made her nanny to her own baby n how fate ended their life

  You dint fail Akshu,You kept your promise,So much so even in your unconcious state nothing happened to our baby,And as a miracle baby he bought u back from both held on to Each other..You both are my Miracle Babies..And smiled At her..Akshu couldnt believe her ears..she was crying smiling at the same time..Abhi this is our Baby,Our Love..our Betu..both kissed Baby n was hugging..Kairav captured this beautifull moment in his phone..kavya teased her swara sorry Akshuuu I dont know you can smile also..Look at you blushing..All Abhis Magic haan...Your Abhi..n She looked at him n rest her head on his shoulders..

  Mahima,Anandh,Parth also came..All were happy to see Abhira with their Betu..Parth bought dresses for all 3 of them to change..Mahima said Akshu am discharging you..Now you can come home..Both Abhi n Akshu smiled at Eachother..Akshu Let's go home..Akshu to baby, Betu let's go home , our home with your Papa..Abhi felt overwhelmed to hear papa, Yes Betu Mumma pappa gonna take you to your home..Akshu Murmered mumma.A tear dropped from her eyes,She held d baby close n kissed his head..
  Jus then Rohan entered with big Rose Bouquet ,Akshara Mam welcome back,am so so sooo happy for you..Me n Betu already knew EO.. haina champ...He gave a hug to Abhi n congratulated him ..

Abhi shall we go home asked Akshu..yes,,let me hold the baby you go n change,All 3 changed into new clothes,Akshu combed her hair..She looked her boys n said Thu Thu Thu..

Birla house and Goenka House was fully Decorated ..All were excited to welcome their Abhira n Baby..Manjari was tensed,She met Akshu when she was unconcious  now she has to  face her see eye to eye,guilt was eating her up..but she told to herself,she ll apologise and sort things.Her Abhira's son,Her Grandson is coming,Only happiness matters now..she will fix everything.

Car entered birla house n came to a halt.
Abhira got down with Abhi holding the Baby..Goenkas,Birlas,all maids from both household were gathered in entrance,They started showering flowers and Swarna ,Manjari Mahima all 3 ready with Aarti plate..Everyone's eyes got teared up..With happy tears they did Aarti put tikka and welcomed them home..Nishta n vansh  bought a clay filled frame and asked Akshu Abhi to step on it..then press babys feet in center..Their foot prints got etched in d clay..Everyone clapped.. welcome Bhabhi I missed you saying Nishta took Baby from her hand..

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